What Alliance dont seem to understand

Nah, too much effort. Blizzard wants to do as little with Classic as possible. Horde will just have to wait for Wrath for faction transfers.

I don’t actually know how much effort that would be. Do you?

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Nothing will distract people from the fact that you admitted there was a 10% map advantage for horde thinking that this isn’t a huge deal.

Many of the slot machines in vegas have under a 10% advantage over the player and here you are accidentally admitting how massively unbalanced AV map is while trying to backpeddle and blame alliance that they are bad.

What you just admitted to perfectly fits with what I have said this entire thread. Horde players cry and lie nonstop to get even bigger advantages.

So you were ok with 10+ afk alliance in every game? And you wonder why people left alliance at the slightest chance they got.

It was the map.

Im done trying to reason with dense dumb people.

So you admit Blizzard has no control over this? The PVEers aren’t gonna queue up, so you can either sit in queue or re-roll Alliance.

Its pretty obvious blizzard either doesnt care or just havent come up with a good idea. Merc mode wasnt it.

Give us HvH bgs and horde life would be great and then they can give all pvp alliance free xfers to pve servers. win, win for both factions.

RBGs would be a very good solution.

I dont see how that could help. The only thing that will get alliance to queue up are purple items.

Lol, “its the map”

Yeah ok, which is why when alliance were able to make premades again they started winning a majority of games in AV?

The map was slightly horde favored if all you were doing was holding w key and spamming 1 at ibgy, that wasn’t the reason horde won 99% of games in AV for a few phases

The reason the winrates were so vastly screwed was because the horde had an advantage when people are using no strategy other than “rush the gy we know is hard to rush” and the unorganized alliance pugs refused to do anything else.

Because the majority of alliance percieved the map as imbalanced they stopped trying and many just AFKed and queued for another.

On top of that all the alliance interested in actually ranking were doing premades in AB and WSG exclusively, leaving the majority of alliance queueing in AV to be alts just there to grind rep.

Meanwhile horde rankers would do the same but ALSO would sync their queues to do AV so they could all get into an AV game at around the same time and then regroup again because the alliance would be complete pushovers in AV it was actually worth it to interrupt their premade farm for that quick easy honor.

So you had a playerpool of mostly badly geared alts and afkers with instant queues that were hardly invested in winning against a playerpool of actually geared pvpers that just waited an hour to get into the game and intended to make the most of it

If the map was so imbalanced as to cause those 99% horde win rates then why was it that as soon as alliance figured out how to semi premade again they suddenly started winning a lot. Why was the alliance winrates on AV weekend always way higher than during the rest of the week?

Because the map was not the deciding factor, it was the alliance’s apathetic mentality

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Quick which one allows for premades.

I’ve brought this up quite a few times as well. Just copy paste the template into a 4th arena queue. No arena points. Just cosmetic CR, increased honor gains. And maybe bonus marks.

But I ended up realizing… that a vast majority of Classic Era players have no idea what rbgs are, or that they ever existed. And they randomly freaked out talking about ideas… and immediately reverted back to classic faction pvp drama.

Its kind of insane lol

lol, you’re really going to keep trying here? You want to attempt to make the point that enough premades were in play to get bg win rates down that low? That premades were alliance exclusive?

Come on now. You’re not only arguing in bad faith, you’re also engaging in intellectual dishonesty.

There is no skill required in AV. It’s just a big aoe slog on the roads, with the winner being the side that has the map advantage. It ain’t the same now that the map is more evenly balanced and reinforcements exist. Alliance wins AV with regularity now.

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Horde have ample opportunities to increase their honor per hour. For one you can re-roll alliance.

But since you don’t want to do that you can stop turtling AV so that more alliance will queue.

The ball is in your court. Embrace the solutions or keep whining as nothing changes.

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Ya really dont.

This is true. Alliance has held AV hostage for like an entire decade haha

Yea, that’s fine. I’d just ignore things I knew to be true if it didn’t help me too.

Enjoy your queues.

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Oh, the irony here…

I’m sure the reason alliance are winning more AV’s is because the meta changed. No more scorch earth and when horde play D… I can’t remember the last game we lost (this was in prepatch). I have played recently.

The new meta is rush to drek/van and we all know how good alliance are at PvE.

Right. Because the map changes, and reinforcements. This isn’t a hard connection to make sir.

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