Horde can play. You just dislike your queue times. We disliked a 99% av win rate for horde due to game design flaws, being trapped on a boat in menethil in perpetuity being ganked between continents. We disliked shaman multi boxing. We disliked seeing realms being actually killed by horde.
You’re asking for equity while playing the most populated faction with the best pvp racials, after being told that going Horde would lead to long que times.
I wish people would stop using the word “equity” as some sort of way to bypass personal choices and to further screw others to benefit themselves.
The only thing holding back the Horde is the Horde.
Are you new to the forums? We already know that and have on multiple times acknowledge it. Most of us are playing with friends and not because of the “racials”. Some of us are tired of the alliance BS and switched for TBCC. We cant help the afk alliance chilling in the cities showing off their PvE gear.
It’s not, because more people flocked to Horde this time around. Horde became the more populated faction after getting Blood Elves, what helped back then was that many players who went BE were former Alliance or those just interested in the aesthetics of being elves.
It’s changed and yet it’s still a player problem. The system isn’t holding you back, the Alliance isn’t holding you back, Blizzard isn’t holding you back. It’s other Horde players who thought they could min/max pvp without any consequences for picking an overpopulated faction.
So you admit it was your own choice so nothing is holding you back except yourselves. So deal with your choice and live with it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about racials or not, you still picked the popular faction with the best min/max racials so your options are to reroll Alliance or sit in que.
Im quoting myself because I think you missed this part. Help us, help you… first go tell all those alliance to queue up. Tell them free gifts if they do.