What alignment is your character?


Bam! He’s good now, and all along we were stopping him!

Ah I see, so “moral” is between neutral and good, “impure” is between evil and neutral…

“Social” is between neutral and lawful, while “rebel” is between neutral and chaotic.

But in all honesty, Gollum from Lord of the Rings is considered Chaotic Impure but to me this was all Chaotic Neutral behavior anyway.

Chaotic evil, but not guilty by reason of insanity.

Chaotic cuddly

Evil evil is much too organized for my taste.

In what category does “sassy” fall under? Asking for a friend.

This character has been a number of things in his life.

As a young Orc, he was a Warrior & Void Axe of the Shadowmoon clan, and probably Neutral Good.

After the Legion subverted the Orcs, he was one of those who drank the Demon blood and became part of the first Horde, and was certainly chaotic evil.

After the Grom broke the blood haze, he went back to being a Warrior of the Horde under Thrall, and became Lawful neutral.

After fighting the the Legion back through the Sunwell, and then trying to combat the Scourge Invasion, he died in the Eastern Plaguelands, and was reanimated into a Death Knight. And at this point in his final state, he’s somewhere between Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil.

Orc are always Chaotic Evil unless their name is Thrall or Aggra!!

Or Sourfang.

Chaotic Evil

True Neutral. Need I say more?

I do have a question about all this.

Sometimes I used to go around killing lowbies, and picking off players that were 10-20 levels below me (sometimes 80 levels below or more) and would just laugh when I ‘got one’. I didn’t do it for any other reason than the fact that I found it funny.

Is this Chaotic Neutral behavior or Chaotic Evil behavior?

A chaotic evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people’s lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of other people.

Yup, Chaotic Evil it is

I guess I always saw Chaotic Evil people as angry monsters full of hatred, that is the kind of people that wanted to dominate over others, like a psychopath that beats up women and so on, that kind of thing. I didn’t see them as people that were just killing for laughs?

I suppose perhaps there was an element of feeling powerful and desiring to dominate in that though, but it was mainly for fun.

I dont do super heavy rp. I did really ruff character sheets for some of my toons to have a general history and interconnect them. I have a orherwise ruff idea in my head for them each. That being said.

All of my toons of both factions at some point or another left thier factions and worked solo. Then eventually formed a sudo avengers group in legion to fight the legion.

Romances and friendships happened. All my toons stayed together and act in bfa to fight against nzgoth, azshara, outside threats, healing azeroths wounds, and rescue civilians caught in this retarded faction war.

Thier loyalties are to each other and azeroth above all.

Kak before legion acted as a sudo batman/punisher character in my rp for fun.

Deadpool is considered Chaotic Neutral

Dont really understand these rankings but I would say this guys is Chaotic Neutral.
Love killing but wont do it to lowbies only npcs/players of my own level.

oh I didn’t watch Deadpool as it looked too violent for my tastes.

Forgive me if that sounds slightly hypocritical.

Both movies are great and a lot of fun. Even if your not a comic book fan. I highly recomend the movies.

That’s personality, not ethics, so really “sassy” can fall anywhere on the spectrum. You can be Lawful Snarky just as easily as you could be Chaotic Polite.

Lawful good?