What aill it take for you to switch off your main transmog and replace it with a new main look?

I switch my transmog every day pretty much lmao.

Oh no! The guy who thinks a scale peacoat is ā€œedgyā€ doesnā€™t like my mog. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever recover.

A simple hyper fixation on a single piece of gear.

Iā€™m thinking of going from my brown tights a green outfit. I already have alts wearing orange, purple, yellow, red and blue.

Iā€™m switching back to gnome hunter since they are removing the human diplomacy racial.

Gonna rock the murloc onesie transmog and the new blue hawaiian shirt and murloc floaty belt with the super soaker gun for my hunter.

It does not get any better than a priest with heavy armor

I change my outfit every so often; if I get a cool set from something Iā€™m proud of (like the Mage Tower) then Iā€™ll use that for awhile and other times Iā€™ll build a set for thematic reasons (like my current ā€œretiredā€ outfit). Iā€™m probably going to armor up a bit more tomorrow but then switch back to the relaxed and causal style of this set when I achieved all of my season goals. When it comes to The War Within Iā€™ll fully deck out, ready to squash some bugs.

Iā€™ll probably end up switching too, but wonā€™t commit until I know whatā€™s exactly going on with a possible Dracthyr Warrior option ā€œearly in The War Withinā€. I might switch to Orc or Draenei when the racial is removed (which I believe will happen in the pre-patch) then swap again when Dracthyr Warriors become available and itā€™s confirmed they wonā€™t be forced into the draconic form except when using their racial abilities.

That sounds horrid and amazing at the same time.

Iā€™d need to find a new 3d chest piece, as well as matching particle effects and motifs on a number of different pieces of gear from different sets. I have a strict no-full-set rule, and itā€™s tough to find enough pieces with the same glow effect. Finding the right armor panel tone with complimentary trim is also difficult.

I like your transmog op

I like simple styles and some more creative ones too.

Like I have transmog that makes me look a little like Thassarianā€™s sister in wrath that I like but I also wear my current one which looks nice and plain in dragon form but itā€™s sort of theatrical in visage.

The new evoker tier looks so cool for the war within, I think Iā€™ll be changing to that when it releases.

For now, Iā€™ll stick with what I got!

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The Plunderstorm outfit is cool. So is the basic pirate that my Warrior uses.

I change clothing as it feels appropriate, but this particular character will always have the eyepatch, because it looks cool.

Although I havenā€™t actually race changed yet, Iā€™m planning on changing my hunter main to a Dracthyr when TWW lands (visage form) in the meantime hereā€™s the mog Iā€™ll be using for him, feel free to use it if you like the look.

Traditional Ranger

https: //www.wowhead.com/dressing-room#fa80z0zJ89c8z18nq8zZ8jC8z28np8z38nO8z48n48aM8z5P8Mz8yt8MM8yC8sW8z3T8zYv8dLv8Mtr808og8yh8M08yL877wzchX87czchD808zMom87czVjG87cSlp808zVww808zoyq808zoE287q

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Once the Vestment of the Shifting Sands gets a texture update to not be a pixelated mess, Iā€™ll consider going back to it. I like the Sky Captain set for the BLU fantasy in the meantime though.

Because I have the ā€œfreeā€ transmog in the Ember Court, I change my transmog pretty often.