What 2s comp has the most synergy?

Anime pfp comment really struck a nerve lmao

gets community noted for making stuff up and flies off the handle and resorts to… yup, making stuff up.

i assumed it was ironic because joe biden with anime cat ears

The anime cat ears is the irony of that

He was dead serious about calling you a weeb

yeah i was calling him a weeb while i was qin up on my 2nd account at 3800 mmr just absolutely farmin the ladder

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ret spriest 4 life
Too bad my spriest friend has been offline for 20 months lul

if Lameou was a healing stream totem Amatox might kick the hell outta that thing. he wouldnt even bother pressing strang there

Ok I see how it is

Amatox n Lameuo r 1 person

Exalter, Flapz, and Grandpopjim might actually be the 3 top people on this forum I would trust a link from, tbh.


i dont trust ne of them

You can always trust me. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

1 of ur previous incarnations tried to slay me

Wow thank you Doors. That means a lot.


You seem like a good dude. :heart:

he wasn nice to me b4 idk