What 2s comp has the most synergy?

Am considering trying an alt with a friend.
What 2s comp has the most ‘synergy,’ by which I mean success comes from coordination?

Or is just fun to play

Rdruid rogue



Presvoker / hunter is very good, rdruid hunter is also very good.

What classes do you both play?


Pretty much anything can work to an extent. If you’re playing to just have some fun and learn how to play with each other play whatever you both enjoy/are comfortable with.

its a meme but I had so much fun doing frost dk rshaman with skyfury/ static field etc

Fire mage with sub rogue
Highly rewarded for high level synergy


i was trying to think of comps that would be really fun if perfectly executed that also actually has potential to win. that’s what i came up w.

for reference i played ret/war to 2.2ish in sl s1 and i’m intentionally not naming boring/op 2s comps

best 2s comps of all time in no particular order,


honorable mention
hpally/arms (not great the last few xpacks, but can still work if you’re insane)

in terms of success with coordination? you’d probably be looking at a x2 dps comp, something like

hunter/ret kinda sorta

some healer comps that are a little more coordination based,

could all work

Rogue x.

I think boomkin rogue & lock rogue are less popular but really really fun. Honorable mention to ele rogue.

Spriest rogue is probably my favourite double dps comp for all time.

Hunter rogue has good synergy.

R.druid / X


R.druid / hunter can be busted. Most of this is on the druid.

That said, lots of stuff is good in 2s. Better to start with something you enjoy and work around that. Well, as long as it’s not enhance. :laughing:

Rdruid hunter prob the best answer. Really just rdruid + rogue/war/hunter/DH always insane tho.

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Probably rdruid hunter or rdruid rogue or priest rogue

However i come from a time where mage rogue reigned supreme

Historically rdruid/hunter unsure if it’s still the case

We just play presvoker and ww right now, but looking to alt it up.

Thanks everyone for suggestions !!

Gonna try druid/hunter haha

:police_car: :warning:

Community note: “this account does not have any PvP achievements.”

Please stop lying on the internet.


The tigerlad and I were hunter/druid specialists. However, I’m old and didn’t play last season much. I’m ready for the Maw after running at other Druids with Tranq Darts all expansion.

constantly harassing random people you don’t know online meanwhile u wouldn’t say anything in person. bros ego inflated from WoW escapism, convinced himself its okay to say crazy things to people praying it never comes back around. about the brain capacity expected of someone who hits focus strang off cd.

Kind of strange for one to regularly delete or abandon an account.

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Are you okay? I simply made a joke that you were lying on the internet because you specifically said you played at 2100 but haven’t hit the 1550 achieve yet. Idk how that’s me having an ego?

Also what is the focus Strang off cd joke? I think you might be confusing me with someone