What 2s comp has the most synergy?

i know u dont man

i wish it was a joke

Okay dude well sorry pointing out you were lying about your arena xp set you off so much.


I mean you’re just making stuff up like you made up playing that comp at 2.1

I can do it to watch. I have 7 r1 titles but it’s on my old account i don’t play on it anymore cuz I’m too lazy to recover the password

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This isn’t even the real Amatox. The real one wears a green colored transmog. Ignore this troll, Lameou.


bro u have an anime pfp and use furry emojis. The only reason i wouldn’t say anything to you in person is because of the smell


I typically agree with this in terms of people being overly rude, etc. on here but I think someone saying they accomplished something in RL where another person overhearing and being able to instantly look it up and call them out on it would be a pretty routine occurrence.

For instance:

We’re in a bar setting…

Lameou: “I was the starting quarterback of Whatever High School in 2010.”

Amatox: "Google shows nothing about you ever playing for that school, and names another guy as their QB in all the news articles I saw around that time.’


Good point. I invented the Hubble Space Telescope.


I claim halvsies on inventing Efx. 50% of the credit goes to his mom.


Nah in my experience Amatox’s strangs are on point you’re just lashing out. If you got the rating you claimed just post up the proof, that will do more to make him look bad than making stuff up.

Wow. This is really earthshattering to me. I thought Efx was born from a bunch of hobos relieving themselves on a can of Pringles while lightning struck it.


I read that 3 times now and laughed out loud each time.

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Demo Lock/Rsham

Rdru/Hunter < idk about synergy absolutely the main reason I stopped playing 2’s

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Kind of kills the vibe to queue into the wall of these that press every cc defensively. :dracthyr_a1:

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Seems like ele/ele would be the best right now.

Who needs synergy with that much dmg

i wonder how many replies theyre gunna send after the weak ones :rofl: bros fighting himself 2hrs later “grrr i shoulda said this!!”

this is the most insane thing i’m gunna read today. if youre too clueless to see this guy hitting it off cd ev match, that’s choice blindness. ev1 full hp, no cds running, healer randomly silenced LMAO no chain, its hilarious.


get kennie to post it i aint clickin ur links man

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when are you qing into me? it says you played 500 games at the highest you got was 1500, i haven’t been at that mmr the entire season because it rolled from verdant