What’s your favorite expansion to level

I actually have a rl coworker friend who’s gonna try wow. I’m gonna try the recruit a friend and curious what you alls opinions would be the best experience on leveling up for him since there’s so many choices on expansions now


Well if hes a new player he wont be able to use chromie


My favorite leveling expansions are herbing and mining.


Legion, for class halls and just overall experience.




Warlords of Draenor



The first character in an account is locked into “beginner island, DragonFlight, TWW”. No alternatives at all.*

Chromie time is for alts.

*Well, one exception. The unlock is attaining Level 60 (or 70?) on a character, not specifically doing the content. So boosting the first toon will unlock Chromie for the second. As will, I have heard, rolling up a throwaway Class Trial toon.

(Which feels a little like exploitation, but :man_shrugging:)


As Slotmachine said, I’m pretty sure they’ll have to do the DF campaign into TWW.
Which isn’t bad, the DF campaign is quick and up to modern standards.

But personally WoD has been my favorite leveling ever since that expansion launched.

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If you mean the 1 to level cap journey as a whole, well…TWW. I have don’t the 1-80 journey more times this xpac than any other.

Now if you mean the “old cap” to “new cap” journey, for example 70-80, then my answer changes to WoD. The lvl 90-100 journey was so good in WoD. That xpac did a lot wrong but the 90-100 process was not one of them.

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There aren’t choices for brand new players. And I’d suggest they stick with the new player experience. Exile’s Reach into Dragonflight. They learn dragonriding that way right from the start and get a feel for the new systems.

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Right now it’s Dragonflight because I basically took that entire expansion off and it seems new to me. The rest I’ve done ad infinitum to the point I can’t go there again.

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TBC it is like comfort food for me


You’d have to put a gun to my head to ever have a “favorite” anything pertaining to leveling, but if you did, I’d say: Legion.

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because you can also build your own base, sadly most of the buildings serve no purpose anymore, as it was discontinued by Blizz. (one of the biggest mistakes in WOW history) But the zones blend well with each other and gathering followers is fun.


the story is well done and the zones are very historic. Unless your friends enjoys a more colourful world, BFA is perfect.

Of course, leveling in classic is best, but you did ask about expansions so…

What I would avoid is legion and DF, it´s kind of complicated to level in, as it is not very streamlined but with lots of bloat.

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BfA had an enjoyable leveling cadence to it. Outside of how bad the endgame was, casual content and non-sweaty activities were actually super fun.

Also, as an Alliance main, I absolutely adored Kul Tiras. All 3 zones are in my top 10. On the Horde side, I only enjoyed Zuldazar.

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I love Pandaria for levelling. The beauty is captivating. If not that then I do original Vanilla/Cata content as much as I can.


BC hands down dungeons are over in 3mins

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Legion. Getting all the class specific cosmetics is a must.


Legion, I like to unlock some of the artifact appearances while leveling


I always have fun leveling in MoP. Hozens gonna ook you in the dooker!

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