What’s up with the damage Scaling in WoW

After taking a break, I come back to level 12s doing 100k more dps in dungeons than a level 40…what’s up with the scaling in WoW now?..no other MMO I’ve played is this broken.

You level…and the more you level the more powerful you should be getting…but it seems WoW is opposite now?

I don’t get it. Why.


When they first did scaling a few years ago, they never got the math quite right. Instead of really fixing it they slapped on a band-aid here and there. Then the squish came along and… well… it’s just a complete mess now.

Example: It takes less time to kill an elite quest mob solo than it does with ten random strangers helping you because math.



Because damage in leveling dungeons doesnt matter.

Sure they could spend time balancing damage in the 20 - 50 dungeon scaling, but considering most players are getting a level ever 10 - 20 minutes…it seems like a waste of resources


Quick maffs


Lemme guess some survival hunter blasted through with 1k dps vs everyone else’s like 150

It is pretty ridiculous. I was leveling this Ret Pally last week and at level 46 I was consistently being outdamaged by a level 20 resto shaman with lightning bolt doing 65% of it.

Then a buddy of mine made an arcane mage and at level 11 he was doing literally 4 times my damage at level 48.

Granted, damage in lower level dungeons technically doesn’t matter, but it doesn’t make it any less stupid and really shows just how bad the level/stat squish was implemented.


This is largely due to the difference in HP to Damage dealt ratios at each level range… at low levels most enemies die in 2-3 hits, while at higher levels it turns into 10-20 hits… when two players of different levels attack the same enemy now, their damage is converted into percentages before being transmitted to the other players combat log. This conversion ends up making low level damage extremely high since they are able to take large chunks out of enemies at their level, while the high level players damage is a significantly smaller percentage of the enemies total health.


have you played in a dungeon with an arcane mage? those lvl 10’s surelly does insane damage, compared to a mythic geared raider


Part of that issue is that dungeons scale to level, so that level 20 player is seeing level 20 mobs. However, dps meters don’t/can’t take that into account, and overcompensate, which creates the impression of the lower-level doing more dps.

The actual issue with scaling is that mobs can also scale to gear levels.


You spend enough time in levelling dungeons to even notice everyone’s dps?


I haven’t tried such comparisons with my lower level toons, but it was very frustrating to level 50-60 in dungeons where I wanted to practice my rotation and learn the dungeons, but two things made that impossible:

  1. all of my mains were ridiculously overpowered in 5m instances, so that I had no frame of reference regarding which toons were good for what things and how to attack the (ridiculously few available) dungeons.
  2. all of the normal dungeons are so /faceroll that there is exactly one mechanic in the meager four available dungeons that requires even the slightest modicum of awareness (the hook in stitchface - 3rd boss in necrotic wake). literally nothing else matters.

This, this, this. All the numbers are meaningless and it’s not going to matter who did the most damage… just enjoy the carry.

I know my level 40 Arcane Mage does 600 solid single target dps in WoD raid gear and heirlooms, seems kind of broken considering that’s what my BrM Monk did at fresh 60.

It’s just broken and feel it deserves to be fixed, it just makes the game really broken compared to how MMOs are supposed to function: being more powerful the higher level we reach.

They may aswell remove levels all together now.


I don’t disagree, there is definitely some disparity in how levels and damage work. My son stomped my DH in a duel with his hunter the other day. He was 19 and I was 45. How is that even possible? Used to be he would just miss and I would one shot him. He took half my health in one hit. That’s insane. Something is amiss.


Good question, Its borked, while working as intended, That help much!? Cause you are now up to date with the rest of us lol.

Exactly, that’s how MMOs ate supposed to function, instead Activision have butchered it and thought “meh it’ll do cuz stuffs”

It actually ruins the immersion for me so I’ll probably be quitting seeing how the game has decreased in quality even thought Activision posting large profits.


This is what happens when you try to turn a fixed rate & progression, purposefully turned game into a galumphing, trend-chasing, “auto-scaling,” “open world” clown show.

And the clowns are on fire.

And the managers of the circus think everything is fine because they’ve “more important” clowns to dress up and kick into the flames.

It’s an indefensible mess.


@OP: I don’t really understand it. At 57 there seems to be a huge drop off for characters that makes leveling even more difficult for some reason. I’m not a fan. But that’s blizzard maths™ for you. See also: rng.

Or, as Jayne would explain it:



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