What’s the best dueling class?

Let’s here it rogues. How well do you do against well geared arms warriors 1v1? I can’t imagine very well with the armor,HP and overpower procs. Maybe I just fight bad ones /shrug

If a rogue even lets me have one GCD they are dead. Deathcoil is instant and does NOT effect the diminishing returns on fear. DC, run away during GCD, fear, dot them up, fear, shadowbolt, fear, etc. Pop a shadowburn when they are low.

Edit: I agree though. If they don’t 100 to 0 me in stunlock they are probably a bad rogue.

  1. You don’t have gear with high stamina
  2. Probably not specced properly for pvp at your level

Well geared SL locks can take a lot of damage

Again, a rogue doesn’t have to kill you in 1 stunlock. They only have to kill you in 2. Even then, a really good rogue can have you locked down for just under a minute, and you haven’t been able to get one ability off.

Do you play a rogue? Is this happening to you? I can assure you that rogues do not kill me easily ( if at all ). I win way more against rogues than I lose. Maybe all of them are bad?

Are you talking duels, as the OP suggested, or battlegrounds? In duels, a rogue will not take a single hit, every single duel. In BG’s, they’re bad because the second they unstealth they get charged 7 times.

I’m surprised at how many comments are not saying SL warlock or shadow priest. No matter the time or place those are the strongest pvp classes/specs in classic. Even the results of the CDL (which gave warlocks multiple handicaps) was dominated by these 2.


Warrior trinket breaks rogue CC. Deep wounds keeps them from stealthing. Zerker rage even breaks sap too if they try that. I can also detect invisibility when they try and reset if I dont get a bleed on them. I can also disarm them if they arent wearing a chain or T2 gloves.

Yeah if you don’t press anything lol.

Warriors can Zerker.
Mage can double Block.
Pally can bubble and bop.
Priest, Druid, Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior can all trinket stun.
On top of all that you can FAP, LAP, or pre skull a blind.

The only class that has no outs vs a Rogue is another Rogue.

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In Vanilla, I was a warrior. It’s very simple, if you know a rogue is around, sword and board, rogue wont be able to kill you before they run out of cc, and then you murder them. If they catch you in Zerk with a 2H? Yeah you might be in trouble.

A duel setting knows the rogue is around. Generally favors the warrior.

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Only thing that gives me trouble is soul link warlock. but I’m not sub spec. I can shadow reflect their deathcoil and it helps win most of the time…but after a few duels they bait it. I am working on a shadow resist set tho ;)… Sometimes a really good druid

Seal fate build can 100-0 a lot of unprepared people
cirt Ambush, crit backstab, zg trinket, gouge, cold blood, 5 pt eviscerate
If that didn’t work, theres always blind

Yes literally rogue is the only class that I can consistently win 1v1 evenly geared.

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I am fury spec and I can still beat a lot of roguess with a 2hander still. Usually pretty close though lol.

And a rogue just has to vanish or blind and start over. Rogues literally have an answer for every single situation in a 1v1. I could see them having some problems vs a hunter with flare up, but tehres a small window where flare ends and its on CD for a few seconds and the rogue can open then.

I feel like you have never actually played a rogue and are just going off of what has happened to you. Make a rogue and go attack a well geared arms warrior. Let me know how it goes for you.

bleed kited

Okay so you just don’t actually PVP then lol.

Sure you can LIVE almost any 1v1. If you commit cds and have to vanish to reset then you open with no cds you are a potato class.

and no Flare has a 15 second cooldown and 30 second duration.

Not every lock plays SL. An SL lock wipes the floor with rogues and is a great 1v1 spec in general. At level 49 I’m running about +100 to shadow dmg and enough stamina for 2600 hp.

I run with deep affliction and 11 points in destro for shadowburn. I didn’t spec for 1 v 1, i specced for leveling on a pvp server and running battlegrounds. In group fights the instant dmg from shadowburn is insanely useful. SL locks are great for outlasting people, but don’t have enough “oomph” to deal with healers on the other team. Hello 11 points in destro!

Don’t get me wrong. I have lost to rogues, but those rogues are probably the type of players that would have beaten me on almost any class anyway. That is more a testament to the skill of the player and not the class.

I understand. But this post was intended from a duel perspective. Was nothing against you, just stating that a well geared and properly specced warlock should not be dying in 1 stunlock from a rogue.

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