What’s the best dueling class?

No, you weren’t, and no I wasn’t lol. I’m usually defending ST because #1, alliance don’t ever defend ST and #2, i’m feral and better at defending than attacking.

you 100 percent were afk stealthed on the mound by the water at st while horde took it. 100 percent not up for debate lmao

i even said “hey dreamsphere i recognize u from the forums” and u didnt respond

and then ST got taken

Yeah that didn’t happen. I’m also 100% our battlegroups aren’t together, as i’ve never seen an Old Blanchy player on either side in any of my BG’s.

old blancy is a small server with hardly any pvpers. all of US east and west play together lol… its ok everyone afks here and there not a big deal. but it did happen

Rock paper scissors

Many classes can do just fine spec depending.

Mages who are set up for dueling can be near impossible to best. Even if you play prep imp Sprint imp kick daggers they can still get ya.

Spriest is almost a no go, they resist kick more frequently than any other class and almost never need to cast, RNG stun + geared priest is like beatin on a geared prot warrior that hits like he’s arms.

Druids, dont get caught in or stay in cat / caster form, if you do well thats on you.

Hunter, LOL, world PvP and BG sure, but duels? No. You literally can’t get anyplace near the flair in classic, the AE range on it is lilkke 100% larger than displayed, and they can just sit right on it… How are you gonna disarm the trap that he can literally keep active forever? some will say but use X potion or Y eng item, guess what the hunter can do too.

Warrior, non orcs sure no problem as long as they don’t horribly out gear ya or get SUPER RNG lucky and crit every swing and somehow still land every single attack last evasion, somehow they often manage.

Shaman, regardless of spec if you don’t screw it up and I often do, you can beat them 100% of the time even if orc, it doesn’t matter.

Paladin, if he’s got gear and deep ret, don’t waste your time, you will get globaled. They don’t even need to HoJ you it’s seal of casino GG if they have R13 gear + Ashkandi, they literally hit harder than warriors.

Warlock, 75% in the rogues favor of he plays imp kick daggers, it’s over before it started regardless of the locks spec.

Skilled hunters can be fantastic duelers. We are a bit weak against certain casters however (warlocks!)

Maybe if you are a blue geared Feral Druid in cat form you die in a stunlock but most classes don’t lol.


Rogues because they come up behind you instead of in front

If I had to choose a favorite it would be rogue or druid. Those two get to choose who they fight and WHEN they fight. Side note I can promise you there is not one class that just dominates all.

Anyone not saying SL warlock is wrong.


In a duel against other good duelist, they’ll never get that off. Natures swiftness is required to not get dunked on against good pvpers.

SL warlock is a pretty safe bet. They just have too much hp to chew through so they can literally sit there and wait for you to bleed out to dots. I’ve won many 2v1 and some 3v1s just by being a brick wall they couldnt bring down before they died to dots.

So, I’m having a lot of conflicting statements about rogues. Am I correct in assuming they can stunlock you forever? I’ve seen World of Roguecraft, but some people are saying that a lot of that info is outdated since people were a lot worse back then. Either way, I’ve narrowed down my choice to either a lock or a rogue. I’m still not sure what to do.

SL warlock 100%.


Since your counting Engi, Druids best 1v1 vs any class. just got to try harder.

Kite everyone to death. Iv killed rank 14 rogues, locks, hunters, and spriest just in T1 and dungeon blues.

That’s complete nonsense lol

Its not just the stunlock LOL. Its the blind and restealth AFTER the 8 seconds of stunlock, then repeat. If you honestly are playing a rogue in vanilla and can’t win every single 1v1, then you probably shouldn’t be playing rogue as you don’t know the class.

Rogues are like the only class I can consistently beat 1v1 without cheap diamond flask heal set stuff. A decent shadow priest is pretty much impossible for me. No rage developed from hitting shields so all i can do is auto attack and slowly die.

If a rogue even lets you get one auto attack in, its a bad rogue.

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Well then i have slapped 100s of bad rogues then np. All it takes is trinket out of stun Overpower + MS + Whirlwind = dead rogue. Having detect stealth racial + deep wounds/rend helps a lot too. Imagine playing an orc warrior though with stun resist lmao.