WF totems for druid.. but not shaman?... Pls fix

Silly Shaman, dont you realize yet you’re the Beta program?

DK’s got a MUCH better version of Water Walking thanks to your testing and now druids get a MUCH better version of WF totem thanks to your testing. For SOD Warlocks got a better version of your Chain Lightning so thanks for testing that too. Also forgot, after you tested your Fire Nova in WOTLK and perfected it they took it from you completely and gave it to Affliction Locks as Malferic Rapture.

Now move over, We coming after your Searing Totem soon

I don’t think you necessarily worded it the best, but I think you’re onto something.

  1. Gameplay-wise, Windfury Totem is a more interesting ability than Wild Strikes. Since Wild Strikes is passive and Windfury Totem isn’t, Wild Strikes is essentially a straight upgrade – all else equal, a passive is always better than an active as it doesn’t need to be managed and there’s higher uptime. As such, the less interesting ability is better, which might be unintended.
  2. There’s an increased pressure on feral druids to run this rune because of its utility. The rune doesn’t make feral more fun and the opportunity cost means it’s actually less fun, since you could be running a rune that is fun instead. This might be unintended.
  3. As you said, when the level cap goes up, this could hurt group attractiveness for certain shaman builds, which should be examined for impact.

I’m not sure what, if anything, should be done, but I do think it would make sense for them to take a second look at this and see if this is really how they want it to work.