WF totems for druid.. but not shaman?... Pls fix

So my friend brought up a good point… and it’s this.

Feral druids are walking wf totems. Dont need to place anything down.

You just stand there and exist to boost damage. Whereas horde shamans have always been able to get WF totem at lvl 30.

Here lies in the problem, 25 is the max level…

Man blizz, you really screwed up this time…

So now the roles switch? Shamans tank and ferals/bears become sentient wf totems?

I didnt know that Druid is alliance only :smirk:
Always thought it was paladin.


what exactly is your issue? i don’t get the point you’re trying to make.

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Have you played a tauren before?..


Do I really need to spell it out for you kids?

Horde do not get WF totem until 32.

Druids both horde and alliance just get to walk around with it though. That’s some kinda bull.

It’s for all the enh shaman players ouy there. We’re getting shafted for group play. No one will want you in a needle farm group if you can’t provide wf at the level cap for SOD in it’s current state.

Stop being so arrogant and read before you all answer back like children.

I did not say that druid was alliance only either, stop twisting words.

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Maybe read ur own title instead of calling us ignorant kids?
( [WF for alliance… but not horde… Pls fix] )

Nothing to fix here

Also its lvl 25 cap, the raid is easy, u can bring any dps and do more then fine.


In a game so easy with 1 button rotations, there is even a meme trend of 40 frost mages soloing molten core, there was even what 40 naked mages taking out onyixa or something? Idk but like if you have to min max and having melt downs over some runes or something then you got bigger problems then your class being picked in pugs or not.

Shamans should be grateful they can drop GoA without twisting. I know I am. I’ll actually have air totems I can use again!

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As opposed to when the 99% of groups that were mages warlocks and priests? I’m sure you will still have a place, shamans with the new runes have some raid wide support to if im not mistaken and kid before you throw all your toys out of the pram, they said phases are not going to be too long and at level 40 enhance will be machines.

But also, if you don’t want change, then why are you interested in a Seasonal server that is literally designed for changes, Classic era still exists bud go play there.

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Did you know horde has druids too?


As an enhance shaman, I don’t want to drop windfury totem anyway. I’ll drop Grace of air.

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Get your healing gear ready I guess

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The amount of you clowns crying and moaning about the balance at level 25 is comical. IT IS LEVEL 25! Who cares, jfc, go outside, touch grass, and stop worrying about how you wont be #1 at level…25…

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We have snow cover at the moment. The air hurts my face

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…You do realize Horde can play Druid too, right?


You know that isn’t permanent right? It’s 25… for the first phase.

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Come back dude, we’re not done laughing at you!

Wait… do you using “Horde” and “Shaman” interchangeably? Is Shaman the only class Horde is getting in SoD?

Horde WF too from Druids… not just Shaman… also dose it matter what happens at level 25?

And technically, druid tanks can still take the WF rune too. They don’t really need the “tank rune” for 5 man dungeons, especially at the level 25 rune.

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If only horde could make druids.