WF totems for druid.. but not shaman?... Pls fix

32, but Phase 2, yes.


Bring a feral druid in Phase 1 for Windfury.

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Bruh. Don’t try to mess people over just because you forgot Tauren existed for a second there.

well I guess thats what you get when you post with very little sleep and late in the morning, but the fact still remains that druids have it and not the iconic shammy, which is annoying in itself… not everyone wants to play a druid there are a ton of shammy lovers out there.

just sucks and its annoying, ppl are allowed to vent

And obviously I KNOW this wont last forever this phase, again just sucks is all we shammy players are saying!!

That’s fine but Shamans have a lot of things Druids don’t have at all, nevermind at level 25. You have a standard res for starters. Druids have to be in a feral form to use their WF so healers / balance wont have it but ALL shamans regardless of spec will get it at 32. You can heal / DoT / drop totems / etc at 25, but Druids have to be in their one form or another, or pop in-out of forms to heal (thus losing the WF bonus).

I think there are plenty of tradeoffs to justify this. Lots of classes don’t have all their tools or are stuck on the lowest rank of spells at 25. Can you not share for 1 month?

Ok but, not everyone wants to play shaman either…so should we just give windfury to every class then?

no sharezies, these are our precious totes @isharya :imp:

OP going back and editing original and subsequent posts

Now the thread is even more confusing.

forget grace of air - drop TRANQUIL and actual give some threat reduction so your group can hard zug

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this is how u fix this. take that away from druids, and put shamans and pallys on both sides and that will also fix faction balancing that everyone cries about

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While like it has been beaten to death its only for a small amount of time, but I do agree kind of weird. Especially imaging how bad I think it’s going to feel for those that want to do DW sham with no WF at the ready.

BUT end of the day when the time comes seeing how strong some runes are I will be more than happy to wait 7 levels to throw down the totem and not waste a slot to get the ability. Maybe it’s just me looking for upsides but that is my take.

People like you ruin classic. CANT RAID WITHOUT WINDFURY. Bro it’s 10 man BFD who cares if you have wind fury or not, you’ll probably only have 3 dps who can benefit from it in a 10 man.


Nah if tanks do their job threat shouldnt be an issue. Just don’t play with bad players.

For one phase druids have wf and you don’t. The sky isn’t falling but you may have hit your head.

Aren’t alliance getting grace of air and strength of earth combined into a buff? Think it’s better range and didn’t need a totem either.

I do think it is kinda weird that Shaman won’t have WF for a whole phase of play in SOD. Also weird that Druid gets a better WF totem than Shaman. WF totem is literally the signature ability of Shaman and they have the worse version.

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I wouldn’t be too concerned about it. Shaman don’t have any windpower at 25 after all. I’ll start furrowing my brow when the level 30-40 runes are revealed if there’s no windpower runes.

Not really sure why it matters that shamans don’t get windfury until later. They don’t get their air totem quest until 30, I don’t really see why they need to move that up. And this is coming from a Horde player who will be leveling a shaman in SoD and have leveled many in past versions of wow games (pserver, 2019 classic, tbc, etc.)

Feral druids basically only had claw until level 32 before they got furious bite to use all those combo points (besides the bleed dot). Giving them WF rune in the 1-25 range helps them have something else and it’s also a utility benefit too as feral druids didn’t have the crit aura buff until level 40. Feral leveling before 32 is very very boring on top of that with mainly claw spam all day. Sure, they can also pick up another rune for feral use, but shamans also get runes to pick from as well to add to their rotation as well. They also have other totems still from earth, fire and water. Phase 1 will come and go in no time. Many other classes are not going to have many of their utility and other strong toolkits until phases 2, 3, 4, etc. as well.

Needle farm group?? If you’re seriously being gatekeep by such a thing (hopefully not be friends/guildies) you can always start your own farm group too? Not everyone on the server is a minmax person. Do those groups not want a healer, tank or dps? Shaman can bring all three options.

On another note, I also don’t like how blizz gave WF to Alliance via druids either, even if I were to play Alliance again (which I did during SoM and classic era) as it just feels strange. I’d rather them just open paladins/shamans to both factions if they were going to pull this move. They also gave paladins tremor totem type rune. Hoping we get some horde only goodies from shaman in later phases as the hunter kings is not enough to feel like pve favorite faction just got even more unbalanced.

a huge advantage to playing as alliance was blessing of salvation… a threat reduction mechanic, because threat was an issue.

I played in plenty of great guilds and threat was always an issue (thing to monitor) in Vanilla/Classic. Tanks don’t have the same threat building mechanics to have in later expansions.

In their pursuit for a Diverse and Inclusive Retail 2.0 environment when it comes to classes/factions…it appears that by giving Windfury to Alliance they have isolated the one class that actually used windfury as it’s main ability…the shaman. Shocker! Up next…Horde get access to certain blessings before paladins. I can’t wait! lol

Blizzard is at the soda pop machine with a giant cup…and they are just going to pour every flavor into that same cup and hope people like it when they finish.

Pumpers pump. If tank can’t out pace em, tanks bad. Seen it a million times