We've been utterly LIED to about Layering

You mean it will be a sh!t show of people phasing in and out? Of course… it always was meant to be one.

They just thrown the “layering” term for the navies to imagine a magic exists that will let people into a layer whenever they wish but no one will be kicked out to compensate. Some just want to believe in magic rooms with infinite amount of chairs where you can invite infinite amount of your friends.


Dynamic layers would mean phasing would have to occur, to my knowledge this only happens when inviting players, or traveling to another contenent. Still doesn’t address the issue that on one of the 5 Layers if not more… there is a barren Un’goro, or Thorium Vein path in Winterspring.

On the flip side, dynamic layers could create a circumstance. I’m leveling in westfall, I meet and quest with this funny dude and we don’t add each other… our fault, having too much fun playing I guess. He logs out, I continue leveling into redridge. He logs back in and was phased because its dynamic, I don’t see him again until Phase 2, will I remember his name?

“It’s just beta, all will be fine for release.” …I can’t remember where I heard this before… oh it was on the forums of every single failed MMO, yeah there it was.


This is why layering makes me need to go to the bathroom violently

That’s my only real concern too.

Granted if you moved into Redridge and he was still in Westfall, you might never bump into each other again anyway. But layering adds another reduction to the likelihood. That’s why I’d like to see them lock layers.

I’ve been in the same guild (inclusive of several mergers and acquisitions in the first couple years) for 15 years ultimately due to bumping into the same guy 2-3 times while doing starter quests in Teldrassil.

Honestly, since I’ll bet everything is using cloud technology anyway, I doubt it matters much to Blizz whether two layers are considered to be separate layers of the same server or two different servers.

Layers/servers could be static rather than dynamic, meaning you always get logged into the same one and you can’t do party invites or in any other way interact across “servers”. BUT certain things would be enforced, like name exclusivity, among all “servers” in a “server group”. This would make it readily possible to “merge servers” (i.e. collapse layers) later as needed.

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Does Blizzard not realize that everyone hates them? Sure, many people like the game that the current employees had zero input in making originally. But no one likes the company or the people that represent it.

Lol its cross realm, you really think they will do all of those things like remove sharding “after”

Idk if this has been said already, but I’m not going to read through 160 posts of whining to find out.

The very likely reason that 400 people are getting sharded is because the max players per layer is currently set MUCH lower than 3k…as a way to test the technology on closed beta.

There, happy now?


It will make everything cheaper for a start. One auction house remember, and everyone on all five layers will compete to make their item the cheapest to sell.

And people will layer hop for the black lotus or devilsaur leather as long as layering exists. Great for those of us who level fast who will have access to x5 resources, not so great for those coming up behind who will only get a shot at x1.

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5x the layers means 5x the demand and 5x the supply…

So while you have 5x as many people trying to undercut you have 5x as many people buying it all up.

I thought that’s what they did with the stress test. They even said as much.

You gotta spell it out for the layering crybabies, unfortunately.

How do you suppose they’re testing it?

Happy that some random player on the Classic forums is making guesses but not stating facts? Why of course! :roll_eyes:

I think many of us would be happy if Blizzard actually addressed these things and communicated. All they would need to do is make a post explaining and clarifying issues reported, what they are doing about those issues, and clear up any misconceptions.


But…that’s exactly what you’re doing? And all the other anti-layering people, too.

You’re making dramatic assumptions based on feels not reals.

These threads aren’t worth even responding to, because Classic is a month and a half away, and layering is (thankfully) here to stay.

  1. It’s beta, they’re using it to test for bugs. Logically a new system like layering would need testing, hence there is layering in the beta even with low population.

  2. Layering starts the moment you first put your new character in the world, you’ll always be in your layer (until it’s removed) unless you join a group with the leader on a different layer. In that case you transition to the group leads layer. However once you leave the team you revert back to your original layer.

  3. Because of #2, even if population numbers dwindle there will still be layers active, until the system is removed completely. Say 6,000 (using these numbers purely for an example, I have no idea how big each layer will be) people log in and are placed into 2 layers. Eventually 5,000 get bored and log off leaving only 1,000 actively online, less than half of 1 original layer. There will still be 2 layers, until the entire system is completely removed.

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The layer you get assigned to is play session specific. You won’t get to stay in the layer you first logged into on a new character until it’s eventually replaced . If that were the case, they’d be static, but they aren’t.

Layers are dynamic, and require to the ability to switch you and other players around dynamically to adjust to population demands at any given time. So each time you start a play session, you could upon login be assigned to any of the layers that are currently running, not just the one you first logged into on your new character.

Big yikes.

Your thinking is what got us retail in the first place. « Chill out guys they probably know what they’re doing. If they make an unpopular decision like removing flying removing valor upgrades making items with agi/int/str all baked in introducing lolfr garrison rental gear every expac etc etc. It must be for the good of the game, trust them!!! »

Is anyone refuting this? I’m interested to know how a merge would negatively effect players. When flask of the titan sells on low pop server for 25g and 50g on a high pop server. Is the balanced price of 45g harmful to any of the players playstyle or QoL?