We've been utterly LIED to about Layering

It can’t last longer than layering because it’s not layering…

Also had the same experience in the first 2 stress tests i got to be a part of. Thanks to the big wave of people raining destruction upon Elwynns wildlife, we had great reasons to chat eachother up and goof around in all the madness!

Went into it not knowing anyone, and came out of the tests with new friends i effortlessly made! You’d be surprised how much you can bond with people when you’re stuck in a highly busy cave for an hour. :smile:

Did you guys not have that experience in the 3rd?

I couldn’t play the 3rd test cause EU wasn’t part of that one unfortunately.

Hmm…deflect, change the subject, make ridiculous false equivalencies. See, that nonsense isn’t going to work with me. I’ve been around too many blocks.

Look, what argument are you trying to make? That catering to the mentality that leveling as quickly and efficiently as possible is of paramount importance? I’m never going to subscribe to that. And I think the majority of players who complain about quest competition would enjoy themselves more and have more fun if they just relaxed, accepted that WoW is just a video game, and embraced the experience. Because guess what? BfA is proof that putting convenience and efficiency at the forefront doesn’t make the game more fun or more engaging. Most players aren’t aware enough to realize why they’re not enjoying the experience. And so they ask for the very things that eventually drives them away.

To see that shortsightedness happen yet again in Classic is astounding to me. Some people are simply incapable of learning from the past. And apparently the Blizz devs fall into that category as well. At least on this subject.

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You clearly don’t understand the concept being discussed.

Not too surprising…

I knew I didn’t like you for good reason.

Explains why you’re so often wrong.


Enjoy your forum vacation.

Glad you clearly laid it out in that post then… oh wait.

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No, that actually logging on and being able to PLAY the game is important to people. And most people prefer NOT to just camp single spawn points for 2 hours to get through one single quest.

Seriously, what is the point of logging onto WoW? To play, or to chat?

You realize you’re just making a strawman, right? Ion said the servers can handle 1000 players in Elwynn, for example. But that it would be a miserable experience. Layer caps aren’t based on server stability; it’s for player convenience.


The gentleman you’ve been responding to very clearly laid it out. You yourself also stated out that it’s been described in several other posts, and is inferior to layering.

And then you respond with this drivel. Nice try.

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You are too used to the solo play that retail offers.
The waiting, grouping was a big part of vanilla.

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Welcome to 2019, the year where the very company that made the greatest MMORPG ever designed forgot that there is the MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online aspect to the game that…wait for it…

…attracts people….to the game?! What madness is this!! Wanting to play with a MASSIVE amount of online players in the same game, at the same time, in the same RPG based World?! Are mmo players mad to want such a game? Aka Classic, warts and all?

According to Blizzard and other competitors in the market for this type of game, they are, cause these companies haven’t bothered to make a real MMORPG experience like WoW since WotlK, and instead they thought they had to redefine the whole genre and turn these types of games into something completely new.

And they have. Now, we got BFA, and several other low to mediocre quality “MMORPGs”, none of which can hold a candle to the old design philosophies that made the genre the massive success it was.

None of the modern designs are fit for the audience that actually likes what mmorpgs are all about…it’s the same audience of absolute madmen missing from the new mmos playerbase. But you see, these guys don’t know a solo/multiplayer ARPG like BFA is good for them, and if they don’t wanna play it, that means it’s the MMORPG genres fault, which somehow they still dare to brand the modern WoW’s as such which are actually far, far removed from it.

What they seem to miss entirely is that they aren’t allowing the audience who actually enjoys exactly that “niche” genre worth of about 12 million players (back then at its peak in WotLK) to actually play games that are based on it. There’s nothing like old WoW out there, not even close. But sure, it’s because "people think they wanna play a real MMORPG, but they don’t".

So we get layering to fix all of the problems oldschool MMORPG lovers didn’t even know they had until BFA Blizzard said we had them…

I wish Blizzard would be humble enough to see what they’re doing at this point, and where that’s gonna lead to. But that’s probably just wishful thinking.
What a shame. Classic has the potential to revive the genre back to its roots where glory awaits, and finally bring back the big audience that loved MMORPGs for what they are.
But nope… instead Blizzard puts a layered diaper on Classic, because they think it will make a boo boo, the clumsy thing it is in their eyes… and so players need their hand held because they don’t know an undiapered Classic is what they really want… :woman_facepalming:

When is Blizzard gonna learn?


Exactly. This is why layering is a huge disgusting pile of refuse. It destroys the main cool part of the game in favor of ‘convenience’. It disgusts and sickens me


Simple, a post/thread about not having layering can be articulate and well presented.

Spamming, for any reason is not reasonable.

This shows you are ignoring or unaware. With all this time, unaware is not likely.

Ques will cause player retention issues.
Too many servers will bring out the dead server issue too soon.
Dynamic spawns alter the microeconomics and would need constant management. If people thing layer causes economy issues, dynamic spawns is magnitudes more.

But you want to roll out just as vanilla did as if Classic will grow the same way. It won’t, verifiably won’t grow.

Any rebuttal to layering needs to address these issue and any I did not mention. Why? Because layering does address them.

There’s a difference between waiting and grouping and literally not being able to play the game. What you’re missing that a lot of us saw on the stress test, is that every single mob spawn being camped was NOT an exaggeration. This is nothing about “solo play” which vanilla was very heavy on, it’s about it being physically possible to do any of your quests. People were taking HOURS to do the first quest in the game. Something that with a balanced out population should take a group of 5 maybe a minute.

In a free game, fine. But when it’s costing money to play, your customers better be able to play.

I feel exactly the same. I will definitely play when it launches, but if I come across the same phasing in/out that I experienced during stress test, it will definitely lower my desire to play and I might unsub rather sooner than later.

The player phasing is just too far from vanilla and creates so many frustrating experiences.


Why would you ABSOLUTELY need to do that quest on server launch?
There are alternatives to soloing the first quests and one of the best is grouping with people and go kill mobs lvl 5-6 outside the starting zone. I did that during a private server launch, and it was one of the best experiences of vanilla I ever had. The overcrowded problem actually solved itself. Our group even managed to “get ahead of the pack” and we reached the next quest hub before most people that were just waiting for respawn.

If you really want to solo, another alternative is exploration leveling. While it may take 30 mins to get to lvl 3 (https://youtu.be/di0NruSMwGk) , it’s still way better (and move active) than waiting hours for the first quests of the starting zone.

Layer caps are based on neither. They’re based on authenticity.

His example was contrasting higher population caps to layering. Higher raw population caps are a bad plan because it makes the experience painful where it wouldn’t have been in Vanilla. Layering solves that by slicing the population up into Vanilla sized layers.