WET Community Lounge: Reborn

That’s too thin too. It’s actually a fighting hawk. But I do use that technique with axes.

Think the head’s about as thick as some of my knives. I definitely have thicker ones.

“If it’s that thin/weak, It’s not a well made weapon.”

“Never mind. Just forget I ever mentioned it. No one wants my advice any way.”

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I’ll post pics later. The head’s about apple sized.

I have a better fighting hawk that is thicker, but I prefer bowies and guns for weapons.

actually looking forward to a return of barrens chat and bad chuck norris jokes :smiley:


destruction lock plays like an easy fire mage - kind of liking running around barrens cooking things :smiley:


got my undertaker cosmetic armor in path of exile!

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The top one with the beard got me.


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Looks like a healthy blade :frowning:

My fist is a little bigger. The edge is closer to 4 inches with that curve. It’s also fairly sharp with a convex edge. The beard makes for great trapping and it’s quick in the hand. The Laguna style is almost as quick, but it’s a proven design and offers the ability to give penetration through tougher material.

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hopefully not needing more that stiches

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oo with the old hat and all?

:sunglasses: On the user end no. On the other end I keep it in case I to break a car window, or light prying. It’s also fun to throw.

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it’s inspired by the mythology of Undertakers :slight_smile:


cool. The pic on your timeline at the 3 hr mark looked a little messy

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music needs the undertaker bell tone then it’s good to go :smiley:

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When I got there, the nurse got it bleeding again. It bled more than it should though.

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yeah, that sounds like an emergency room /giggle /sigh

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For the record I’m more versed in using this.


the pillow pile be callin mon

good night all :smiley:


They do, but they are also high in oxalates so have to avoid. People with healthy kidneys, yes, they are good for UTI, but for people who get kidney stones, have to avoid because of the high oxalate levels.