WET Community Lounge: Reborn

I can link again… Anyways here’s one of my favorite in-game music.


I’ve always enjoyed the Grizzly Hills music. I chose to quest there on my rogue while levelling to 120 just because the atmosphere is so nice there. I kind of like it.

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Grizzly Hills is one of the few places I am willing to fully quest in.


Same, just because of the music.

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I hold the unpopular opinion on this, but I’ve never really liked the Grizzly Hills music that much. Zone design is gorgeous and quests are fun, but the constant violin(or whatever stringed instrument it is) is a bit grating. For calming music stuff like Dragonblight or Frostfire Ridge is more my jam.


I’m only the second generation born off the mountain and grew up around legitimate hillbillies, mountainmen, and cowboys. I raised on similar music. I agree that the Zone has more appeal as well.

In keeping with the Scandinavian theme I believe it’s a hurdy-gurdy. Still, I never keep wow music on a loop so I hear a song once when I change zones and then just the ambience.

i liked grizzly hills, but i prefer icecrown and borean tundra.

New Worgen and Goblin models are leaked.

I hit this zone as soon as I could because I RP a Sentinel Trained Gilnean soldier.

ooo do the female Worgens match the males now? because I loved the feral look of the males while the females looked straight from an anime

not really

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Wasn’t this leaked like… last year? As far as I know nothing has really changed since then.

Thats what i was fearing… Well, at least the males look cool

It’s rumored that female and male worgen eye types will be interchangeable, but I’m not sure it’s been officially confirmed.

As far as I know, there’s nothing new. We’ve already seen the new models months ago.

Just cos no one’s had much to say, and lately, it’s all I’ve been able to say…

Heat wave suffering Brand?

They’re calling it a “Heat Dome”, but it ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity.

My husband works for a hotel and he says he has Californians, and Texans complaining about the humidity. We’re in east coast Canada. It’s on par with Miami.

For us in the deep south like my own Mississippi, it’s just summer to us. Hot, humid, and generally miserable for everyone involved. Upper 90s with 110 “real feel” is normal now.

I get ya, an’ I don’t envy ya. Maybe come January and February, when the temperatures here have flipped the frigid opposite and I’m shoveling snow on a nigh-daily basis. But even then, probably not, when I really think about it.