WET Community Lounge #Eternity

oh much before.

My last positive memories were of Wintergrasp when it was current content. That used to be glorious.

Before that I used to frequent Arathi Valley, in the good ole days when there was no resource timers - it would just go on and on :smiley:

Much honor to be had in those days

Ah. Yeah. I pvped a bunch in TBC times on my human holy priest, kind of quit playing WoW much during Wrath which is kind of sad for me.

lol, holy priest - which in Orc translates as “KILL THAT ONE FIRST” /giggle

ever notice how the horde would always go for the healers first and the alliance would avoid them

Tol Barad felt like too much of a race.

Ashran just feels sad.

Wintergrasp was epic imo :slight_smile:

I don’t usually queue for epic battlegrounds anymore… but I do enjoy Alterac Valley, especially when it’s not just a race to kill boss on both sides, and it becomes warlike. Ashran didn’t seem that bad to me but I only got to play it a few times. Only played Wintergrasp once and that was in Legion, so I missed all that. Never really done Tol Barad properly.

Isle of Conquest is okay, sometimes fun sometimes painful when it’s one sided against me.

It’s one the things I’m looking forward to with Classic coming back - the original untainted Arathi Valley

I’m a little nervous as to how it will go with the current players, Arathi back then was just so different, the instant gratification players out there might not like

5 hour av -i’ll love :slight_smile:

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It’s Arathi Basin… and Alterac Valley… not Arathi Valley lol. You’re referring to Alterac Valley.

Yeah, that’s tempting though. I never got to play Alterac where people were actually doing the turn in quests and summoning NPC adds to attack the enemy and all that, never really remember if I’ve ever seen the bosses summoned and so on.

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ooopsie, no coffee yet

but at least you knew what I was talking about :slight_smile:


I just can’t get into areans. It’s not the same


I don’t like arenas much either, but I would do them if I had a friend who really wanted me to. I did a few during Mists of Pandaria, wasn’t too horrible, but the few times I queue for them alone I get creamed and I don’t enjoy it at all even if I win really.

There are really good players who do arenas though. I know that.

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Yep, lot of good ones in there.

Yeah, just wasn’t feeling the joy if I won too.

Ahh well, got a new pacifist toon going with this holiday too


Pacifism… hmm…
I used to think it was good…
maybe it’s good.

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i’m so fat and grotesque in real life.

It’s a different way of leveling for sure.

Slower indeed, but a nice change of pace.

This is my oldest pacifst. I started her when an earlier xpac was feeling too boring or depressing.

It’s me too, wishes no one any harm and just wants to run around and explore


Do you think pacifism is always good? Like as a moral precept? Or to an extent?

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What should I do…

100% Pacifism I would love, but the best I can hope for is non violence I’m guessing. In RL, Violence should always have a very high threshold for choosing, even higher than the christian “Just War” theory.

Peter Capaldi as doctor who summarized my feelings about violence best

“Because it’s always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who’s going to die. You don’t know who’s children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they’re always going to have to do from the very beginning – sit down and talk!”

hopefully I don’t scare u off with this


Keep things simple, approach things one step at a time.

If Sinikka nor I have scared you off, come back and join us tomorrow morning?


Okay. :smile:

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“Where do you get this ‘we’ stuff? You got a mouse in your pocket?”