WET Community Lounge #Eternity

Oh! I remember now! The other book was Treasure Island! I finally got around to reading that and seeing what the big deal was about. Now I know why it’s considered a classic!


“You want another Classic Adventure? Read ‘Stranger In A Strange Land’. It will blow your mind.”

Awww, I see, I think… that’s very sad. Kinda reminds me of a specific episode of The Twilight Zone.

A married man had a great passion for reading novels, but nobody else was interested like he was. If anything, everyone kept discouraging him from reading as if it were junk food. (And to be fair, despite books being awesome, he really did have a rather unhealthy obsession, poor guy.)

Then one day he locked himself in a bunker inside the local library to get the desired nonjudgmental privacy he desired to read books, and suddenly an atomic bomb hit his town and killed everyone but him.

He thought it was the best thing ever. No one could disturb him from reading all the books he wanted which survived in the library… but then… his glasses broke and he was too blind to read… ;_;


“All The Time In The World. One of my FAVE Episodes. And it wasn’t a Library, it was a Bank, he worked in. He was in the Vault, having his lunch. It was the Library he found later.”


Oooh, I’ll have to write that one down. Thanks.

And yes, thanks for the correction. Funny how people treated books the way some people treat tv now. And now, it’s cellphones and computers.

I really do feel bad for the man that just wanted to read. It’s rough not having anyone that understands yer passions.


“I agree.”


Before I go to bed, I wonder if you happen to know this movie…

It’s a movie I saw a long time ago when I was but a small kid.

It had a strong Treasure Island vibe about it, but it was nothing like the book.

The only parts I really remember is that there was a young boy, another friend, and of course the big bad greedy pirate captain and a mermaid. For whatever reason, the pirates kidnapped the mermaid and the boy wanted to help her.

There was a tree that grew pepporoni pizza slices, and there was this sense that the “wonders” of the island could not be trusted, I think.

Then there’s the final showdown at the cave where the big treasure was. Of course, the pirate captain tried to kill the boy. I don’t remember what exactly happened, but the captain pirate got stuck somehow, the cave looked like it was gunna cave in, so the boy and someone else helped carry the mermaid on what I assume was a blanket or ripped piece of sail or a rug from the cave.

They release her back into the ocean and find glittering gold or golden fish scales or something left behind on the blanket.

Meanwhile, the captain back at the cave had turned to solid gold and a ghost was laughing at him.

Sound like anything familiar?


“No, sorry. It brings no memories.”

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Drat. Well, good night. I’ll find out eventually, I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Good night everyone! hugs for all


“You might find it here…google…”
Movies With Mermaids IMDB

“This one looks like it could fit the description…”
‘Magic Island’

“Sorry, I can’t add links yet. May never be able to.”

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pvping … whee. lost to uber twink fury warrior. 86k damage he did in a short silvershard mines match.


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“Fury is a fun spec. You should try it sometime.”

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I have many fury warriors, I don’t play any one toon much though. I have a 111 nightborne one that I boosted and a 94? pandaren girl that I leveled fair and square.

It is fun, yes. Seems kinda OP maybe? I dunno. It’s so fast paced.

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“This is mine. She is the only one I have, but when I do play on her it’s a blast. I am working on leveling her.”

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i’m messing around doing the Pilgrim’s Bounty quests on this guy. Nice way to level vanilla cooking, and make a bunch of food, at least.

here’s my dorky boosted nightborne… I kinda hate him cuz I boosted him, feels illegitimate.

This girl’s legit though.

“Don’t feel bad about a boosted Toon. I have a few myself.”

Good Morning u2

“Hey Surfy!!”