WET Community Lounge #Eternity

Never apologize for something unless:

  • Ye’re sincere
  • not using it as a habitual defense mechanism ya do every time ya think ya upset someone even just a little.
  • focusing more on making peace and not about belittling or excusing yourself.
  • the offense is actually a big deal.
  • You’re actually planning to not repeat the offense.
  • And finally, I’d like a cookie please.
  • what? I like cookies.
  • PS: long live the Horde.
    PSS: last thing fo real: if you’re planning to apologies for what you’re about to do. DON’T DO THE THING. Garsh, lol.

“Hi, Silvanni!”

Hello! :slight_smile: I got yer message. You’re very welcome!

“How’s your day going?”

hugs back
It’s here and there, half good half bad. Both having good things and bad things.
Bad things, dealing and trying to be a good friend to friends I know and internet people whom I know suffer from depression or just recently today discovered they suffer from it.
Almost ironically, the lesson at church was about depression and how to help those who suffer from it, or how to get help if ya suffer from it.

Good stuff? I had a lovely meal of thanksgiving leftovers, delicious milk, and trying to keep tabs and chill with friends. :3
Also, Rustabell Rabbits ftw.


“I am just relaxing after a long weekend, of dinners and Birthday Celebrations. It feels good to be able to just sit, and do nothing.”

It feels fantastic~ and more so for those that work hard daily and those that many rely on so much.
Both happy and a bit guilty I’m not one of those people, I’m usually a lazy bum… working on overcoming that. One baby step at a time. twinkles bitty Goblin toes

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One time, I saw this comic of Calvin and Hobbes where the parents took Calvin on a hike on a mountain forest path.
In the first panel, Calvin was cruzing along all fine and dandy in his flying hover easy-chair. The cozy ones that extend back and have a rest for your feet.

In the second panel was shown reality as Calvin struggled to even drag his feet with a sagging tired face and his folks told him he ain’t get’n a piggyback ride. Lol.


“I love Calvin and Hobbs Comics.”

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Same, I still have my collection of the books. Good stuff. I know I had some favorite strips, I’ll have to go back and look.


“What other kind of books do you collect?”

I inherited my li’l sister’s One Piece collection and a bunch of Dragon Ball Z comics that go all the way up to the middle of the Cell Games.

I’m not much for collecting comic books anymore or reading novels, though I do have a few Garfield, one with strips based off the movie “Over the Hedge”, one with Grim and Mother Goose stuff, and… maybe some Peanut book.

As for novels, on occasion, I find enough interest in reading books based off of movies I thoroughly enjoy. Such examples have been “Coraline”, “A Christmas Carol”, “Holes”, and others.


I feel like I don’t deserve to be a bearer of truth. I dunno if it’s just me looking at my astrology chart that says that but I acted that way before I knew of my chart… acted like a person trying to ditch his soul and just die to hate.

That’s awful, I’m awful, I guess I should just try to live truth. But if my truth is corrupt then it’s not really truth, so I guess I should throw it away.

Ah! There was also Watership Down and a few more recent ones I can’t remember at the top of my head… I’ll get back to that.


“I have been collecting books most of my life, yet my eyes won’t let me read them like I use to do, all the time. I would devour books in a very short time. Most are singles, but I do have a lot of series too.”

Astrology can be fun and all… but I’m a believer of forming my own destiny.

I dunno why you feel the way you do. All I know is, if Depression ever showed up as a physical person leeching off of people like a smug lying devil that it is, I’d have an entire mind to beat the snozz out of it and tell it to go away and that I ain’t taking any more of its ear poison.
Depression may always come back, but I like to try and think I can beat it up and make it my little b-word.


“I like how you think.”

“I wish Likes weren’t limited. I enjoy sharing them a lot, and I am now out for another half hour.”
/sad face


Awww! I’m sorry to hear about your vision.

If it helps, sometimes it can be pretty easy to find audios of books on youtube. Sometimes I’ll listen to the audio while I’m going to sleep. I did that with Watership Down.


“My ears ring too much to listen to whole books. I’m just getting old.”