WET Community Lounge #Eternity


I am having weird feelings… maybe I am lying to myself and others. I fear I’m doomed due to fatal inherent flaws

“Or maybe, that is just what your brain wants you to think? Broken brains are strange like that. I should know, mine is broken too.”

Would you like to see my astrological birth chart?

“I wouldn’t know what I was reading. I am not trained in Astrology.”

Oh… :slightly_frowning_face:

/shy smile

:orange_heart: love you.

sorry, that was weird, i’ll shut up.

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“As a friend, of course. My Husband wouldn’t have it any other way.”

yeah. i’m such a PoS, lol.

“No, you are not. Society has just made you think you are. Don’t let them win. Don’t believe the illusion.”

i can’t sleep.
i don’t want to do anything else… life sucks.

“Got insomnia?”

yeah, i guess.

“I get that a lot.”

i am suffering.

“You are not alone. A lot of us are.”

“Well, time to wander off, in search of sleep. Take care everyone.”

Man, I don’t check for one day…

Also, happy late birthday Mistress Sinikka.

Happy birthday, Sinikka.

Also, if anyone’s interested. I’ve again changed what I look like in 2K18 and gone solo.