WET Community Lounge #Eternity

wouldn’t u rather post as a friend though?

Once I hit 120 i need to find some plate mail outfits for my warrior


Also I blasphemed the Holy Spirit before, which is an unforgivable sin, so if hell’s real I’m doomed to go there.

“ALL can be forgiven. You just gotta WANT it.”

Oh well… I don’t even know if God is real so this is pointless. Of course I would want forgiveness if I could get it. Eh, maybe I am too corrupt to even want it.

“Off the wall question… Do you like to read?”

I used to read a lot. Now I just mostly read the internet.
Do you like reading?

“Do you like reading books online?”

Eh… I haven’t really done much of that.

“Okay. I was gonna suggest one that you might enjoy, but it’s okay.”

Which book?

“The Urantia Book. By the Brotherhood Foundation.”

Oh… I heard of that long ago I think.
That’s like a new religion book?

“Not really. It’s just very eye opening. Doesn’t really fit into any Stereotypical Category. It is in a class all by itself.”


Sounds neat.

“You can read it, online, anytime. For free.”

Okay. Not now.

“Of course.”

You are a ‘Urantian’ I take it?

“No such term. They don’t consider themselves a Cult or Religion. I am a Druid, in real life.”