WET Community Lounge #Eternity

Brandbombe would beg to differ.

however, there is a suit you can borrow in the closet.
(it was a hollowsend doctor costume)

/stirs from the pillow pile

Surfgirl don’t look!

/is she looks she would see a plate of chili cheese fries

i was ask to come back here then i get ignored most of the time that kinda feels like mind games to me oh well
/leaves for good


the fries are ok too

/nom nom nom

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DOnt know if our goblin friend is still around, but I would have fun with the daycare one. I think I joined one that you made when I first came to the forums, but it might have been by someone else. Anyways, it was a lot of fun.

Indeed! But I still have that “two-piece” I’ve been savin’ for him.

So, yeah Kal, if you need something to wear…?


theres another in there!?!?!? i thought there was only one with a mini skirt there.

I don’t know where you got that idea from, but it wasn’t me.
I’ve just got the one outfit, and a miniskirt would get in the way.

yeah i- uhh… got that on a special deal and wanted to see if anyone would wear it for giggles…
(a blood elf did though, so gotta give em points there)

I’m more of a hot-pants kinda girl, you can keep the skirt.


what about tight pants with a mini-skirt?
i can pull that off…
though i need some blue an gold gloves first.

Either, or, both? Regardless, you’ll need to shave your legs.


and NEVER! a real man has hair!

Enjoy those tight pants!

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They squeeze in all THE RIGHT PLACES!

I just thought of a word to test for Cannibal: Masochist.

Notified em.

I don’t think they’ll be any more interested in your fashion sense than I am.


Oh, you two.