We're screwed

ok so i wasn’t a hypocrite then?

go edit that out if u don’t mind and also google that word so u can figure out how ur supposed to use it

i didn’t say he shouldn’t have a chance, i said he’s being called an 1800 player bc he is, in fact, an 1800 player

Again, talking about someone’s attitude when yours sucks is pretty amusing.

And why don’t you post on a retail main and not some classic toon

oh am i the council member now?

ur a moron no wonder all i hear about u is about how much of a freak u are LMFAO

go on some discord rampage again and piss off from me weirdo

LOL, stay a :clown_face: and hide :wink:

oh i’m not hiding buddy, i’m banned on main for calling dilly a word jokingly.

Aww, rightfully deserved ban then… Lets see if we can get this new 1 of yours banned as well. :wink:

sure go ahead i don’t mind weirdo

To be fair, the only reason he was “attacked” is because he wrote some outlandish fantasy about pushing brewmaster “to THE LIMIT” and being a high rated player.

I reality, he bug abused some rbgs, got called out for being 1700, and then has been being really snarky about it on the forums and twitter.

Great pick for community council, blizz. You should have just grabbed Dozer or Biebz.


but let’s give him a chance bro cmon his attitude is clearly stable

Well, nothing anyone can do about it now but help talk to him and show him what’s needed. Not push him into a corner. Might as well give it a shot since he’s there now.

I can respect that, but I’m also firmly in the camp Blizz isn’t going to listen to the council anymore than they do the players (9.1.5 fruit bowls, emote deletes, and renames proved they still refuse to listen to the community and do whatever they want) and this whole thing is just a puppet show to keep everyone distracted while Bobby buys another Yacht and they tune Torghast for the 18th time.

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Oh agreed but here’s the thing… They don’t listen then we are in the same boat as usual… Nothing changes so we can’t drop any lower on being ignored. BUT and it’s a huge one. What if they actually do?
Again, we are at the lowest I guess at being ignored that we can possibly be. So we can only go up right? Might as well see what happens or enjoy the puppet show at least.

I suppose. But I wish they had gotten better puppets. Bluster might be the only hope.

Again, agreed but nothing we can do now but try and get his ear. Show him where the changes need and not try and force him to a corner when he shuts down.
Big/knowledgeable players need to be in here encouraging him and giving valid points.
I’m hoping for change like everyone else. Might as well see what happens next

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This is probably the best approach versus rating shaming, calling people names and picking fights with folks who simply are hoping for something positive to happen “regardless” of who picked who. Personally not sure it will matter.

Stoopz just uploaded a video on this and he’s pretty spot on lol.

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It’s little changes that would make the game better.
Like for example, for me even though I do pve things on my main i don’t like to on alts. I’d love to pvp on alts only so adding conduits to pvp vendors or giving boxes on arena wins that grant some ash/cinders/gold or even conduits would be great so i wouldn’t have to spam chorghast like i am now.
I’m actually flying through 9s to max upgrade 3 legos. I’d rather spam arenas and learn it there instead.
Playing alts right now is still tough honestly

Been playing too much Halo so I’m OOTL, what’s this WoW Council people keep referring to?

Is it like the 2 Pvp summits they’ve done before? Cause if so, those didn’t really get anything done even with solid tourney players giving feedback. Basically got told mostly great info, they displayed some info graphics on pvp data back to the arena player representatives, and then gave birth to Ashran.

I wouldn’t worry too much on them doing anything other than scribbling down notes and throwing them out after its over so they can go grab some milk from the fridge.


I too don’t get this. Why not pick a player who’s been pvping a long time like Swifty, Bageeraz, Snutz, Cdew etc etc etc?

Awe thanks babes :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yeah, I have changed my mind.

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