We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

Please please backport SliceAdmiral and KillShot

Has anyone ported the addon where the Peons tell you that you completed your task?

that one guy gave peonquestcomplete a go for me, but it did not work, and I forgot to post my lua errors

there is also questnoise, but i like peonquestcomplete better.

Yeah. Its simple, but I like audio feedback both with spells and the like and things like quests. Knowing the sounds of every spell in Vanilla gave me far more reaction time than seeing things happen.

I just like hearing “Job complete” when i finish a quest:O)

We haven’t had spell ranks in so long I don’t remember. Clique has been around for a long time so it probably dealt with spell ranks a long time ago without having to use macros.

Yo Durrus. I have no idea if you would be able to get permission to transfer PVPSound, but if you have never tried it you absolutely should see what you can do with it. It makes Battlegrounds and PvP in general soooooo much fun. When you are 1v3 and you hear “Triple Kill!” you lose your mind.

Wonder if someone is developing Fishing Buddy for Classic. I know some won’t fish, but I level all of my secondary professions and that addon helped a lot with fishing post-Vanilla.

Yes, they will let people use it.

May I request that someone look into porting TrinketMenu.

Alamo Reeburth is now available for Classic, so Alamo can teech u 2 play DURID!


I’ve got my two addons updated and working with beta already. Where do you want me to send them?

Oh I’ve never heard of that one. I love fishing so i may have to look into what it does.

No way am I using that…

Was looking for this thread last night.

Requesting CTmod if it hasn’t been yet. It’s the one addon that I always have installed.

we need a omen threat meter addon. something to track threat since it will be important again to gauge it.

I love you

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No, thank you.
But well it’s already on Classic anyway.

Yes! I am maintaining CTMod for both BFA and Classic. I’m only in the stress tests so updates of the classic version will be more sporadic than live.

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