If you’re asking me, yes, for any of four reasons. I won’t port an add-on without the permission of the author. I won’t port an add-on that I don’t use or isn’t a popular request in this thread. I won’t port an add-on with extensive required modifications (requiring more than a few hours) if I’m working alone (I would be very open to spending more time helping and peer programming with an add-on author without beta access). And finally, I won’t port an add-on that runs contrary to my understanding of what the Classic team’s vision is (e.g. no OQueue).
Any errors? It may just be event names or something simple.
BTW, that’s some code that can be fixed/posted/tweeted/shouted from the highest moutain by anyone.
Thought I’d post here just to say the questie devs are actively working on a classic beta build atm, recently pushed to github
Are you one of them? If they post the link in this thread I will add it to the OP.
I am, but I can’t post links
Close enough
Once things are stable it’s going to be merged into the master branch
oh i can post the lua error is spit out, busy dying atm,lol.
No hurry, die at your own pace
Yeah I meant to say would you refuse to port over an addon that goes against the spirit of vanilla. Glad you’re also against things such as oqueue
From what I understand, SendAddonMessage (addons like oqueue depend on this) is restricted to party/guild/whispers. addons cant send messages in a public addon channel, so that makes group finder addons not really possible (I havent fully tested that, but it seems to be the case)
No worries, the link to your sure to be highly popular add-on has been added to the OP. Thanks for posting letting us know in the thread, bud.
Go be a lawyer elsewhere.
As for anyone else who was looking for Clique (which personally I think needs a unit frame addon like grid to be useful), here’s what was removed from OP:
google drive file/d/1J_hKkRlIxZGdD31UXALhZX9Ni1UhrAb3/view?usp=sharing
I kid, I kid… it’s actually a version I edited to make work with beta… probably doing a worse job than OP, but since he decided to not follow the “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission” way of doing things… I guess if you want it, you’ll have to deal with my hackjob.
Another note, the only license file (if you care) only says 2006-2011… and I would take that to mean after 2011 he stopped caring.
That said, if James N. Whitehead II gets in contact and requests me to remove the link… I’ll consider it.
Thanks for doing this!
Agreed we need some kind of LFD and LFR addons if we are going ahead with the Questie and DBM full BFA levels of Addons. Many of these weren’t available for over a year after Vanilla released, so if the Addon community doesn’t want it authentic lets just get going and let addons ruin it all over again in a more unique and interesting way.
If you don’t like it, dont use it. Also Addons were Vanilla thus LFD and LFR Addons should be allowed. Any and all Addons should be allowed. Don’t like it, don’t use it.
I’m going to go with a middle ground. Probably use UI skins that are old school, but information display levels I currently use.
Also want to give a huge +1 and internet cookie to the add-on people. You are the true heroes of Azeroth. May your loot flow freely and happy hunting!
XPerl or bust!
This is a false equivalency. Vanilla did have boss mods, eventually. Questie doesn’t affect anyone else. But people using OQueue certainly would, in a way similar to how raider IO does today in retail mythic+. You can play without it, but if you want to make any progression it’s going to be hell on earth. If things like dungeon finder or LFR exist – whether in add-on form or not – they become the de facto standard for PvE instance interactions.
People have written volumes about how retail’s slow but steady mounting of “social lubricant” has negatively impacted their experience in WoW. Why try to make friends (or heaven forbid, at least behave yourself among strangers) when the queue will let you be a complete douche to a random group of unfortunate people every time you’re ready to unleash your angst online?
Then, at BlizzCon 2017, a miracle happened: Blizzard formally acknowledged not only that part of the player base that felt this way, but also announced that they intended to do something about it.
If you don’t like Classic, don’t play it.
They are: on retail. Where you belong.
Awww how cute, needing DBM and Quest helper in Vanilla because it’s too hard? Hmm?
Haven’t read everything so I don’t know if it has been mentioned yet. I want TellMeWhen. It’s a nice, user friendly alternative to Weak Auras.
when it comes to quest locations, the cat has been out of the bag since shortly after vanilla launched, cant stop people googling or using wowhead
My post was satire Durrus, but in a slightly annoyed sense.
For one because of the blatant lack of honesty in regards to how things like Questie and DBM fundamentally changed and undermined the entire questing and raiding experience much in the same way every system most purists claim to hate about BFA. In other words, I think most of you guys are a bit fake in your claims to dislike conveniences that ruined the game on some level.
You are correct. LFD ruined the social fabric regarding dungeons. Questie, especially in its new and improved BFA form, ruins the social, game play (can ignore all quest texts), exploration fabric of the game. It makes important concepts like learning your surroundings, learning the game in general, understanding landmarks and talking or communicating with people regarding quest objectives redundant. It is actually just as harmful to questing as LFD was to dungeons and LFR was to Raids. There is nothing else you could add to ruin questing as much as Questie will actually, unless you can think of something especially bad.
For many people this isn’t a problem because they don’t care about questing. For those who do, its literally the same problem as LFD and LFR. Once its introduced it becomes the de facto standard for questing because you would be shooting yourself in the foot to not use it, just like LFD and LFR. It appears some purists are very inconsistent with their use of logic regarding what is or isn’t okay to undermine in regards to the games systems and this is more the annoyance.
Also, I said if you dont like it, dont use it, because thats what literally everyone tells me regarding Questie. Its the same old LFR argument and a funny trap to lay for people who have no consistency in their arguments.
Lastly, dear God no BFA! Questie and DBM are simply bringing us closer to BFA than I would like. Id prefer the addon community in general to actually go back to BFA. Most of the cancer of BFA was introduced by the Addon community before BFA was ever a thing. Arrows for quests, DBM/Dungeon journals, LFD type concepts like VQueue, ILvL concepts with Gearscore. You were the pioneers for BFA and this cancer has been running WoW into the ground for far too long!