We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

Fair enough. Wasn’t just targeted at you but in general.

People have already been coming by discord, sending PMs on curse, tweets on twitters, etc about how DBM is gonna ruin vanilla for them. DBM isn’t even gonna do that much in classic (it doesn’t need to). DBM does a lot on retail because it needs to do a lot on retail, fights are way more complicated.

In classic, dbm will be as simple as the encounters are. What will be holding your hand in raids in classic won’t be DBM. It’s going to be the RL going “This is how you perfectly execute this fight. I did this fight 1000x in private servers and vanilla. If you do exactly this, boss will just fall over”. There is 0 strategy to learn, just following instruction from whoever your guilds resident classic expert is (or going to wowhead and reading a guide by one of those experts)

So I tell people, stop being mad about DBM, or WA, or any other addon that gets ported back to classic. Just enjoy classic. Enjoy the social experience. Enjoy an MMO that actually feels like an MMO and not a single player game trying to shoehorn players together that won’t even speak to one another because somedude-someotherserver doesn’t matter to them.


OK? not sure why you seem to be getting snippy, all i tried to do was show where the authors have their non release versions, i said nothing about not giving kudos or whatever the OP.

So yes it is relevant as this is where a lot of the authors will have their other versions until that happens.

Hmm… what is the link on curse where authors are posting the classic beta versions?

Are you kidding? or are you not reading what I said?

this is where a lot of the authors will have their other versions until that happens.

all i tried to do was show where the authors have their non release versions,

If the author is working on one that is one place that they would be.

The actual project pages allow for different release types without them going onto the main site or into the downloader.

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Curse is working on something but it’s not quite read yet. We need a twitch client update to go live first before we can safely upload classic files to site. The site now supports setting a file to “classic game version” but the issue is client doesn’t understand this separation yet so if a user clicks update on twitch client, it grabs latest file period, whether it’s for wow 8.1.5, or 1.13.2, so that creates a real mess right now. We have to wait til client understands classic addons don’t get installed in retail, and same other way around.

That’s not quite true yet. if the user sets twitch client to “beta” or “alpha” release type. it does start to install classic files into retail. :. It’s an issue with how client works when it’s not set to “release”. they are aware of it and will patch client soon™ to behave better.


Some addons are good, some are not and shouldn’t be ported. Funny how #NoChanges unless you do #Change with an addon, then it’s perfectly fine.

not funny at all, addons were in Vanilla too. so perfectly nochange

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Relax, bruh. We’re all on the same page. In the one hand, we have Classic, which we love. In the other hand, we have add-ons, which we also love. Now we’re figuring out how to put our hands together. No need to pick fights or assume others are trying to pick 'em with us. Chill. It’s all good. :wink:

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I don’t believe that’s the default so the assumption was that people with these settings were aware of this. Something, something about me and 'umption.

Then what’s the difference? Nearly all the UI improvements Blizzard has done were addons to begin with (cooldown timer, moving frames, good raid frames, quests on the map). No difference unless you’re being pedantic.

What are you talking about , you seem to be claiming that having addons is a change, all i did is point out that addons were very much a part of Vanilla so perfectly nochange to having them.

Here’s what I’m up to atm…

I have directly contacted Resike (the owner of Recount) and Cladhaire (the owner of Clique) seeking their permission to distribute my modifications or to do whatever I can to help them get their own modifications out so Beta players can have access to their very essential add-ons.

I have also started looking at my own add-on for retail, Alamo Reeburth. I know all the durids out there need to tell their Classic Beta party members all about how cat is 4 fite.

Lastly, I’m actually a full-stack Microsoft software engineer, not an experienced add-on developer. Messing with LUA is more of a hobby for me. But I can write the hell out of some Windows desktop apps. What do people think about getting an open source add on manager out there?

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how secure would it be? I would likely just use Curse honestly.

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Many people run into these things without considering the long term commitment or surrounding infrastructure. It would need a supporting site that allowed authors to put their addons up for distribution which sounds like…

The problem is not a downloader but rather people being frustrated their favourite addons aren’t available “on demand”.

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Right now I’m thinking about having the desktop app retrieve add-ons directly from the master branch of the add-ons repo itself. Then I would add a manifest of those repos to the repo for the desktop app and add-on authors could submit PRs to update that. And users could manually add links to repos for add-ons they want to use that aren’t in the manifest.

Then the desktop app would just sit in your system tray and occasionally check the repos for your tracked add-ons and fetch updates when WoW.exe isn’t running. Of course, I would have the desktop app get the player’s agreement to any license file the add-on author put in their repo before installing it.

Curse have had problems with people scraping their site before. It has not ended well.

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Not super tech savvy, but enough to follow what you said, my only thing is I would not like an app that stayed open all the time like that, i would only want it when I need it.

Oh, certainly would not do it by scraping curse. But it’s possible GitHub, for example, wouldn’t even notice or care about such load with all the continuous integration pulls and fetches going on. I’m going to see if I can find their official answer to that.

But you and your team will need to be available 24/7 to update new sites when the need adding, links get changed etc.