Once again you claim it but without showing any proof of it.
No i just have a good enough memory and observation. I do see when the horde whined to much about something. I didn’t like the free heroic gear for alliance warmode just before the opening of a mythic raid or the alliance exclusive bee mount but i was tired of those endless thread about it for the horde player.
But those are just few moment. The alliance high elf fan whined more than those few horde time.
You know that the very same apply to you. There is nothing wrong to see the bad side of your faction. I also don’t like those edjy horde post or even less those ‘‘muh honor’’ orc warrior player.
The alliance whining more about faction is a fact that i already show more prove that you seem to be able to do. So either you start arguing for real by showing prove or either you just claim something without any prove thinking you are right like flatearther people.
Not sure how that quite has much to do with the whole Alliance vs Horde in game differences. But that doesn’t mean you’re not wrong lol, feels like we have to Blizzard less and less credit each new expansion.
Nope. Everyone assumed the LF would become customization for Draenei for the most part. If anything people were more angry they were their own race rather than customization.
Is that justification for the genocide? Don’t you remember they tried to genocide Humans and also Elves? Plus all the other races who formed the initial alliance.
They brought their demon brothers to Draenor, corrupted the orcs, and they died for it
If they draenei didn’t cause such unimaginable destruction across the cosmos, the orcs woulda continued to live peacefully on Draenor and the humans probably woulda kill themselves by causing even more wars
Nobody really ever expected Lightforged to go Horde.
Problem with the Nightborne specifically is that the player -who may be Alliance or Horde- raises them up from basically nothing. If you’re an Alliance player the Nightborne literally would not exist without you, so to have them stab you in the back like that feels really crappy, especially when their reasoning for doing so was so painfully thin.
I’m sure some people are going to claim it’s because Alliance players are ‘whiny’ or whatever, but I don’t think that’s true. Like, nobody was upset about Highmountain going to the Horde. Blizz just really dropped the ball with the way they set the Nightborne, having Alliance players bond so closely with them when they intended for them to become enemies.
I remember people being angry that the night borne and HM tauran Joined the horde. I also remember people saying legion was a horde expansion cause of it…even though 50% of it was alliance based. I mean the entire last patch was light borne nonsense