Were people as angry about the Lightforged joining the Alliance as they were the Nightborne joining the Horde?

It wasn’t found easily. The Legion literally stumbled upon it while scanning for Worlds with souls. Velen’s cloaking spell actually caused them to almost pass by it, but the Kil’jaeden basically said “Wait a minute” and backed the spaceship up for a closer look

So a combination of the previous two then? Slightly they’re fault but a whole lot of Gul’dan?

It felt like he brought it up to say that anything they did that sounded awesome to do was “honorable” to them in a way that sounded like he knew orcs who still thought that way. I may be wrong though

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Lol I used to think like that until the Horde threw a fit over Calia

mmhhhh I see , I am not in the mood for arguing more tbh

maybe you are right maybe not , I have tried looked into it and didnt managed to find things that make you or I truly right so idk

yeah lets blame gul’dan

make sense I premused

People were very invested in the Suramar storyline. We spent weeks going there, following a quest chain and helping them on both horde and alliance. So, ya, the alliance folks were upset they went horde after all the time they invested.

Interaction with the lightforged was nothing in comparison. So, no one thought twice about more dranei going alliance.

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The issue is lighforged should have been a customization option and not an Allied Race. Similar to wildhammer dwarves.

So you are gonna compare the few time horde player whined and say that this is as much as the 20+ that the alliance did it???

Bee mount and warmode bonus is really becoming the camp taujuro of the alliance. Every time someone point out something that the alliance whined someone reply ‘’ bee mount whining!!!’’

Want a list of moment that the alliance whined as much as those few time???

  • Allied race announcement ( this one include few separated whining about not high elf, nightborn joining the horde, alliance allied race not having city).
  • Teldrassil destruction
  • Lordaeron not being a win for the alliance
  • Zone horde being finished first in Bfa beta
  • The alliance hub being destroyed in the Bfa beta
  • The first warfront reward
  • warmode being horde mode
  • Dark iron not being wildhammer while the horde got what they asked for
  • Horde having 2 questline for mount
  • Tyrand not killing Nathanos in the darkshore
  • Blizzard not giving the first heroic gear for heroic warfront to the alliance because they had the first for heroic stromgarde and normal darshore.
  • Zanlari vs KT
  • Vulpera vs Mechagnome
  • CGI saurfang cinematic
  • High elf whining every few week.

So yeah the horde player did had a mental breakdown for the bee mount and for the heroic warmode reward but its nothing to be compared to all those alliance whining moment.

No because we had a good idea the LF were going Alliance .

Alliance was mad about the Nightborne because by some of the responses at the time they thought only they helped them .that it was the Alliance faction that were the heroes of the day in Suramar.

When in reality the heroes were the combined members of the class halls.

The NB grind to be honest is the same as the Mechagnome grind. Both can be done on any toon or faction and only one faction gets to play it.

Did I complain when I did the mecha grind on my horde toon?
Heck no I hopped on my Alliance 120 and did the chain to open them up.

Bruh both factions whine. Whether the “horde player did had a mental breakdown” or if the Alliance player “whined about Allied Races” it’s practically the same thing.

i vaguely remember a few posts about some horde being upset about it, don’t know whether they were trolls or not though.

it all just got shutdown with alliance coming in and being all “well you guys didn’t help them out” and stuff when i specifically remember playing a horde character and helping them out, and there being a few horde NPCs there too. but then the alliance would turn around and post how it was unfair that horde got the nightborne even though they helped out so we went all “maybe you shouldn’t be mean to them” and we got flagged for trolling.

Its ironic because I have heard people say like “why didnt they offer the opposite races to the opposite factions to provide more diversity?” but then a few threads down its an argument over void elfs taking the identity of belfs and not having clear distinction between factions… just made me giggle so I wanted to share lol.

God, imagine being annoyed over an actual legitimate in game advantage given only to one faction. :open_mouth:

It’s still whining. Changes nothing.

It’s similar to how Horde were given a new ingame feature called

Storychoice: Choose your storyline between Sylvanas and Saurfang.

Get over it xD

Or at least closer to a Belf

Yeah whining a few time over the years is the samething as whining at every little thing added to the game…

No it isn’t the same. Dont try to drag the horde level of whining to the alliance level with nonsense thing like ‘‘whining is whining, it does’t matter how much’’.
Whining some time is normal. Whining that every single thing is horde bias ins’t.


You are just ignorant to see that the Horde just cover it up well. Both factions are the same petulant children when it comes to crying over things.

As an Alliance player you clearly didn’t experience the massive engagement of “pick between two dialogue options that don’t actually have any affect or bearing on the game” such a shame.

Trying to say that is a “feature” is stretching :man_shrugging:

Definitely something we can both agree on.

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Ya don’t get it either. Lightforged are the just as evil as Velfs so made since that they go on Alliance.

Than go on. List it. But we all know that it isn’t true.

Doesn’t matter. A new feature specific to “one faction” like you said.

It’s the same as Alliance advantage which you said was given to one faction. We didn’t ask for it like that and you didn’t.

Guess who’s to blame? Blizzard xD

Cool, we can go with this. For the record I don’t blame the orcs super hard. I just figure the LF’s response would be
“We said we’re sorry.”
“Uh, no we didn’t.”
“Shut. Up. Grogg.”