We're not making enough noise about layering

And guess what each layer will have just as many people already there farming those same mats. Unlike in retail you won’t be able to easily just hop to another shard with noone on it.

Because unlike retail layering is only being used to handle over population so there won’t be more resources than people who are using them.

In regards to mining only, those nodes are going to be chain farmed constantly for the first weeks. From an economy perspective it doesn’t really matter if Larry the layer hopping rogue gets them or Sammy stayput.

In both cases the same amount is going on the AH, the only difference is who is making the gold, which can be a problem.

(I’m not disagreeing it can give someone individually an advantage to make gold).

The way it works in Guild wars 2 is that when a server becomes full you are given an option to switch over to an ‘‘oveflow’’ server to allow new people to enter, i kind a want them to use that method.

I’ll give it a shot. If I’m leveling in Elwynn. And I want to go to that first mine with Goldtooth in it, or what’s his name. But it’s totally crowded.

Well I’ll go somewhere else then maybe.

Boom. My game path has changed. My experience is now something totally new. I’m not just mechanically doing fed-ex quest ad nauseum. In other words I’m not just some robot following some leveling guide.

Also, there’s player interaction. If I can’t go to that mine, I might meet others who are in same situation. We may get to talking. We may decide “hey why don’t we do flight path runs since the starter zones are overcrowded anyways?” And then we’ll go on that adventure.

Or we might do low level duels. We might go to town, or to another starter area.

The obstacle of crowding creates content. Eliminate it, and the game is a lesser game than Vanilla was.

Vanilla WoW wasn’t just, I’m going to max level, then raid, and/or rank grind. It was a much larger adventure. And layering destroys a large part of that adventure.

—I’ll just add, later on like in level 30s range, layering is still messing up stuff. Like if there’s layering in STV, hey why bother pvping vs horde, or just competing for kills for quest mobs? Why not just find a layer where your faction is dominant? Why not just find a near empty layer so all the mobs are up for you and your guildies?

Layering will kill some of the best moments we can have in Vanilla.

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sounds like you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed to me.

has anyone seen the sodapoppin video of switching layers? I really just think that has no place in WoW. If they’re going to use layering it needs to be for a shorter time than phase 1. It needs to be held down to maybe a couple weeks

Lol. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. They are testing layering as a possible solution to resolve launch issues. There is nothing specific to talk about. This is the feedback stage.


Did Blizzard also turn you into a newt?


If you feel that strongly then voice with your wallet and don’t sub until they meet your demands.

No way! These scenarios are completely realistic. I fully expect a week after launch to see people blinking in and out of view constantly with fistfulls of Black Lotus and Thorium. Several days after that the World of Warcraft will literally be destroyed. This is the grim reality of what layering will do.


I could always go play other games. But I am really curious if and when new servers are added, will they also have layering?

I could totally forgive Day 1 launch garbage layered version of WoW Classic if I know that six months or a year later there will be non-layered servers launching.

Did that statement in anyway sound like I was threatening not to play? How the hell did you take that from what I wrote?

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If the stress test was in any way representative, then I guarantee you that those starting zones are going to be more overcrowded than any point in Vanilla. So why wouldn’t you be able to experience that exact same scenario?

In regards to STV, I don’t consider it a starting zone so its a bit separate from the questions I’m asking you guys, but I will point out that I agree that any layering in PvP areas/hotspots can have huge effects. And thus I don’t like it.

Thanks for bringing this layering issue to our attention, because there haven’t been any other threads about this issue.

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Playing other games is a good idea, and i would say unlikely since the initial rush of launch will have died by the time new servers come out,
now if they lauch TBC and wrath servers those will go through the same thing layering will be used at the start and the same complaints will be brought up then as are bieng brough up now.
Because we can’t say people wont abuse layering, somebody will do it, if only to ‘‘prove it can be’’

I would imagine at that point they’d have much more of a baseline on population numbers, and would be able to add servers as needed, which wouldn’t require it.


Layering has been a near cacphony of people saying how bad it was and that noise level near ear splitting metaphorically as stream and videos showed what could be done.

Maybe this is what Brack meant when he made that infamous quote. The community is nearly eating itself alive with the hatred of an idea and various outer systems that were in place but in modern times are outdated so its not Vanilla but “Classic”

I think that people are overplaying how bad the impact will be personally. Much like the leeway issue which a mage i just saw in a thread said that it will make it impossible to Arcane explosion farm. As i have WATCHED in person on the beta realm mages do exactly what he claims is impossible. That is not to say layering is perfect. It is to say that the frenzy of a mob isnt going to make this any better.

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if layering isn’t temporary (first few levels), then of course it opens up pandora’s box.
I think everyone can agree that layering can’t work under it’s current form (if at all) once we start to enter areas where horde meets alliance.

It works just fine in guild wars two. blizzard just needs to use their methods and not try to re-invent the wheel, assuming their infrastructure can do what it does in guild wars 2.

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If you are going to intentionally abuse layering to avoid those experiences you claim are so important, well I guess they really weren’t that important to you now were they?

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I would definitely agree that there are some big issues with it. At first I was annoyed by how long this beta is lasting before launch, but now I’m glad there’s time to hopefully iron this out.

How does it work there? I’ve never played that game.

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