We're not making enough noise about layering

and I agree that it would be nice to start our adventures as we did back then, but if layering is temporary to enable us to all play upon launch, then surely that’s not a bad thing.
it’s not vanilla, but it’s a small blip on the radar all things considered.

to them it’s very much a bad thing, because it’s not vanilla.

I just think people (gamers especially) get a whiff of ‘worst case scenario’ and then it suddenly is blown out of all proportion very quickly.
I haven’t seen one thread of anyone wishing blizz all the best for the next couple of months, just people dogging on them for past discrepancies.

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Classic hasn’t launched yet, so your statement is a very uneducated guess at best.

You know what I meant. Have a good day.

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For the case of layering, no, that’s not the case. I want transmog, that isn’t vanilla, I want achievements, that’s not vanilla. However I’m not making topics about it, those things weren’t in vanilla and are unlikely to be implemented any time soon even if people wanted it.

I think my points for not wanting layering holds water, again if you aren’t on Blizzard’s side, for the third time, where’s your middleground you claimed to have?

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That you don’t know what you are talking about? Sure.

i don’t have one, and if i do say it being temporary you’re just giong to say LAWL CALLED IT! SHILL SCRUB CUCK so…why bother?

Why am I not surprised…
Anyway, is it possible for us to all agree that we need Blizzard, to discuss this with us before launch? Or is the tone set that we all wait and see what can possibly go wrong first and make sure they get their subs?

I would agree that blizzard needs to me more communicative.
i don’t agree that layering is as big a problem as some people make it out to be
And i don’t think that ‘‘waiting for it to be to late’’ is a problem because i would assume most of you are not going to sub till august.
If when they stated they would remove it they don’t that is when you kick up a PR nightmare for them, not before it’s even been fully tested released or implemented, because that just makes you look petty.
and we’re both not surprised by the other persons personality traits.

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Could you explain how layering would ruin the starting zones for you? I’m just looking for some elaboration.

glass half empty people will wait to see what goes wrong first.
look, i’m sure there will be issues - hopefully they are just minor.

blizz have plenty to do between now and then, so parleying over something that almost surely will be in classic when it drops is a waste of time.

there’s a difference between listening to their players and having an intervention.

I hope for the sake of oceanic servers and rp-pvp servers they are listening, but layering is on it’s way in the most likely scenario.

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I feel like most of you trying to deride people who are against layering didn’t even read through my post. Layering is completely indefensible.

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It did peak in WotLK yeah! Good times :slightly_smiling_face:

Very odd actually how the moment they embraced “You think you want to play an MMORPG, but you don’t” design starting with dungeon finder being introduced to the game, all WoW games after that were declining consistently.

The moment any significant surge in players occurred was when they released a new expansion.
Why? Cause many of the people who left came back hyped, to see if WoW was more like the game they played back then, but it wasn’t. It was something else, and it didn’t grab them. And down it goes again. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Meanwhile, BFA and Legion had a super smooth launch, and everyone could access endgame (what you’d want a modern MMORPG to be about only!), without the need of a populated server. Perfect! Oh wait.

It appears to have the lowest amount of players WoW has ever had, and is not a widely loved expansion at all. Must be just a coincidence, i’m sure. /s

…Well, that doesn’t matter!

The demand for private servers of any WoW’s aside from vanilla, TBC, and WotlK must be just as big, people remembered all the newer expansions to be just as amazing as those 3, right?!
They would be thrilled surely at a chance to play those again, and the demand would be just as big, right?

…right? Oh. Well. See ya


In your closed minded opinion perhaps.
but closed mindedness doesn’t lend it’s self well to discussion.
That is what you were hoping for on the classic discussion forums wasn’t it?

Since Classic Beta testers needed to be paying subs, it makes sense that they aren’t complaining in mass that Layering is destroying community or allowing for exploitive farming and dodging. After all they are used to playing a nearly solo leveling experience and farming experience in Bfa and previous xpacs.

It’s a huge change that doesn’t need to be there. The game world was not meant to be instanced when it was created. Other games like Monster Hunter or other more recent games are built ground up with all their systems in place that players are going to separate into instances once they leave a hub. But WoW Vanilla was not. People want to play that era of mmos when the game world was one and only one. That’s the point of Classic. It’s not just killing boars or Ragnaros.

Only people arguing for layering are doing so for selfish reasons. They want the game out with no delay. And they want to farm without seeing other people. They want the game world BROKEN so that they can do so. But what they don’t understand is their achievements in game will be tarnished by taking a shortcut.

It’s just like all the thousands of changes to retail that slowly changed it into a product a lot of us don’t enjoy. People don’t have the wisdom to look down the road and see the ‘fix’ is disrupting a lot more variables than it sets out to do.


The real possibility of having players/mobs & (nodes) appear or disappear depending on the zone, popping in and out of existence, can effect the socialization experience(for some players, not all of course, considering some players play with real life friends, non blizzard game friends or play solo), partially effect the economy, and could even kill a player depending on if a mob is in the location in the layer you are ported to. It will also effect PVP, if you want to PVP with players in a certain location, if you go to that location and it’s layered, that PVP has a very high chance of not happening. Not all PVP is organized and even if it were it’d still be effected by layering because you can’t have alliance and horde in the same group, they are two separate groups which means the possibility of two separate layers even in a raid group wanting to PVP against the opposing faction.

your bias is showing, and it’s not a good place to stand.

how can you say that when it isn’t in it’s finished state yet?
all i’m saying is : people need to stop pouring their negative energy into the potential ramifications of something that isn’t even complete yet.

you can drive yourself crazy over something you have zero control over.

the wheels are already in motion, problems have been found (that’s good!), and let’s just see how it comes out in two months.

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Here’s 1 way: Copper and tin are some of the easiest and most expensive farming mats for people leveling early blacksmithing. People will dilute the economy with tons of it by just layer hopping to their hearts content to farm as many nodes as there are layers. So an area with normally 7 nodes, that is layered 5 times over, presents a single player the opportunity to get 35 nodes. That shouldn’t be in Classic. And they can’t simply ‘fix’ this issue, not without breaking layering fundamentally, as I outlined in my original post.