We're not making enough noise about layering

Not necessarily, no. But if you are not you are going about it in a weird way.

That’s because you think in black and white terms for or against no middle ground.

Absolutely, it would be better to change course now when there’s still time.

I’ll say that i’m 100% aware they are in a tough spot atm, and i don’t envy them for it. But there are choices, all of which are gonna piss a lot of people off.

Do they piss off and alienate their core audience by using a retail-like tech in their old beloved game for the purpose of attempting to please new people (who’re not gonna play the same game they think it is)?

Or do they piss off the new or curious people (tourists), who have little enough interest in the game to drop it the moment they get into a 30 min queue at launch?
(which old WoW’s launches and overall success doesn’t suggest that at all to be an important factor, in fact queues didn’t matter in the big picture https://i.imgur.com/6gZmpNj.png )

I dare say the choice is clear. There’s alternatives not involving layering i posted earlier here that still address Blizzards concern, without sacrificing the games integrity/authenticity that it depends on to be successful.


What’s the middleground? Temporary layering? I feel like that’s what you’d say.

You’re also not very good with nuance either, unsuprising. you’re also insulting. again unsurprising. i’m not in your little us v them war and i don’t care about your fight against the man.

And i don’t know what the true middle ground would be, but i know that your extreme my way or the highway way of thinking is desruptive to proper discussions.

Very good post, and I see exactly what you mean, why try to tailor this game towards people that wouldn’t want to play it in the first place?

in all likelihood, the day will come and go and you’ll wonder why you got so worked up about it.
there will undoubtedly be some kind of hurdles once classic drops, and future hurdles as the population (+ relative to the number of servers) works itself out, but so long as layering is temporary (yes, that middle ground that allows blizz to deal with initial interest) and doesn’t allow exploit of resources/items of any note, then it will have succeeded.

I don’t think they’re stop being worked out about it, they’ll likely continue to use it as a reason as to why ‘‘the man’’ is garbage or some such nonsense.While still sticking around to make sure everybody knows that blizzard and companies in general are all evil.

This isn’t possible with layering. Layering will always allow exploits as far as I can see, there’s no way around that, you can’t have layering work as intended without having those (unintended) exploits.

Doubtful, what MMO has worked like this since the end of the golden age of MMOs? Every MMO I can think of has only declined since launch. Especially when you are considering that Classic is free to the ~3 million retail players. I doubt they wait to try it. Classic looks to be releasing during a retail content drought, stands to reason we will see most retail tourists visiting at launch.

So are server merges, which is what would need to happen when you have hundreds of dead servers.

Unlikely to be a huge problem on the live game. By the time players reach the level to farm high level resources we will be down to just 2 or 3 layers. Jumping layers for a single mine/herb node seems like a waste of time. Besides, why run multiple characters on the same path of different layers to layer jump when you could just have multiple characters with gathering do it…seems like a waste.

Layering will impact the economy, but not because of layer jumping. High level players will be spread out on 2-3 layers and have less competition. The easiest solution is to multiply the respawn time on high level nodes by the number of layers. Problem solves.

So 12k player queues? Also, layering and dynamic respawn are designed for separate problems. Dynamic respawns are for crowded zones. Layering is to fit tourists on servers until they quit.

If this post involves me in any way, I don’t think all companies are evil, nor do I think Blizzard is evil, but I have facts, most of our wants for Warcraft have been ignored for years, now they are making classic 15 years later(with stuff we have been telling them we don’t want to be in it) now you are opposing us and yet you claim you aren’t on Blizzard’s side of the matter. Again since you never stated it, what middleground is it you are taking? I don’t see it. Devil’s advocate perhaps? That’s not a middleground.

Except this one.

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Wow has definitively declined since launch. unless you only count classic as wow, which is stupid.

as far as you can see.
if it only exists in the first few levelling zones (ie. well before stranglethorn), wouldn’t you consider that a win?
I put this to you before, but you didn’t give me an answer.

they know they have work to do to solve that problem, and equally importantly, why they can’t stop what they are doing now to talk with the community about it (as you suggested earlier).

have faith (no matter how pessimistically), kick back, and wait to see how it all pans out.
the wheels are in motion, and all we can do is wish them luck.

Akshoooooally Blizzard has a pretty bad track record of fixing anything between beta and release. Azerite… classes… classes… flying…classes… bugs… classes…Azerite…PVP vendors…classes… CoT and Kara portals… classes…

There’s a number of reasons why people feel it’s so important to get bent out of shape early in these release cycles.

I think it peaked in 2008-2009.

No they won’t. They never do. People of this kind rush from one “world ending crisis” to the next.

Never stopping to think that it just not might be an issue at all.

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If that was the only option it’s a better option than having it in every zone yes, but it’d still ruin the starting zones for me to a certain extent. Anyhow, again, Blizzard is not discussing this with us enough, we need an open, transparent discussion that involves what they can & can’t do, what options there are etc. There’s a lot of speculation and wait and see talk, but I can’t wait and see if this may be the only shot at having our voices heard before release considering we don’t have that dialogue with Blizzard.

They have facts though,
So do flat earthers but /shrug.
But hey,at least the Doom and gloom over streamers has died down (takes a shot)

sure. I understand that.
but this isn’t like wanting oceanic servers (for example).
they’ve already embarked upon layering and it’s almost certainly going to be implemented at launch.
there’s really nothing to be gained about worrying about it now.

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