No, what it’s feeling like is they’re going to force large amounts of layering on us and cause a bevy of issues. The forums are going to be swamped with just layering posts in only a few weeks.
i’m going to try it out, but if there are bunch of layers ruining experience I’ll be gone back to pservers.
blizzard better not screw this up, they promised initial zones only, it better stay that way.
I’m all in favor of scrapping this whole layering system. I get that Blizzard put time into it but it’s garbage.
Allow more players per zone/server.
I don’t like seeing dead zones -especially at times when I see just 10 people in Orgimmar, it’s a damn ghost town. I don’t even have the tools to switch to an Orgrimmar that feels lively so I can start a tango line.
I was partying with a guildy between Razorhill and Valley of Trials.
We got into some fun PVP with alliance.
We called for assistance from another guildy.
He arrives and sees nothing, not even us.
We invited him to the group and still nothing.
He then had to walk away and then come back before he could see us.
Layering probably is a bad idea
Had a friend play this latest stress test and went to group up but we couldn’t see each other. It took a lot of uninviting and re inviting to get into the same damn layer. We both quit retail because of crap like with sharding/crz and wm and here it is again with layering. Blizzard have lost their way, and at the same time I’ve lost all respect i had for Blizzard.
I agree. My fear is they will move away from what they said now the same way they moved away from just the starting zones. I could see easily them saying they have to keep layering longer. It’s horrible. Layering is truly awful.
Bugs will always happen… Welcome to gaming. No game is perfect. Especially older wow expansions, classic was famous for its bugs.
Boats bringing you to zones that dont even have boats, Gryphons flying off into the sea and killing you, npcs freezing up, your charecter getting stuck in t pose unable to do anything, bosses right out not working, etc, etc
those will b e the minority, those who will play classic are people who already know about it, and those who played it, wow classic is not some tiny thing no one knows about ,its a thing that has been on the news for 15 years and hundreds of millions have played.
I guess Blizzard are snowflakes then because layering is entirely for THEIR benefit, not ours.
with only 3 eastern pvp servers, layering is going to be here for the entirety of the game. there’s simply not enough servers for anything else.
I see the pros and the cons of the system. IMO the pros outweigh the cons and most of the cons are short term.
I am OK with layers.
I can 100% guarantee you that there will be layers after the initial zones. There are just not enough servers.
yes its to our benefits, since when has us being able to play the game without lag and dcs and hours of camping 1 mob spawn NOT good for the players?
layers effect the entire world, originally sharding was supposed to be just starting zones but people complained too much.
That’s more incidental than anything, really.
Blizzard just doesn’t want to waste money on additional servers that’ll end up being dead in a few months because all the tourists left.
server merging is bad for the players aswell… because it makes server identiy pointless and things just annoying cause suddenly there is 2-3 people all with the same name. “Oh invite laeric” which one?
Layering is working really, really poorly right now. If you just go over to the Reddit you’ll see examples of people just randomly entering new layers while questing, or entering a city, or a new zone. Getting layered from others in their own party.
Layering was supposed to be the entire continent, yet clearly that’s not the case. Maybe Blizz is just testing things…but they haven’t said anything as far as I know.
If you want yet another example:
At first I thought maybe the undead just logged off. But notice how the people outside also change. And obviously the guard disappeared as well.
So much for layers being continent-wide. This is acting like sharding.
Now I expect the apologists to come in and say, ‘It’s a bug. It’ll be fixed.’ The same sorry rhetoric that’s always repeated.
Yea, layering has to go. It will kill wpvp, the very thing that made Vanilla great. Small map/world, no flying, and no layering is what made Vanilla awesome. I 100% understand this is a moneymaking decision, unfortunately in doing this they have created a game that castrates Vanilla/Classic. If they do away with it after phase 1 as they said, then ok, but will they really? Really?
I can’t believe there’s still this many problems with layering this far in. This is completely insane. This is the last stress test. The game releases in a few weeks. Why did they have to bother with layering at all? Classic WoW and it’s release are great things and they shouldn’t have sullied it with layering.