We're not making enough noise about layering

Anything community breaking shouldn’t be in Classic and if layering does that it should be left out. I quit Everquest and WoW because they did things like this. In EQ my guild slowly left as it wasn’t worth dealing with the problems and in WoW I just straight up quit. There was no sense of community at all and people I raided with or did PvP with I pretty much never saw again after awhile. I played around the Burning Crusade when I started WoW so it wasn’t always that way.


Thanks for your input.

You can just merge servers when they get low. If we don’t merge them then we are going to get the same issues that retail has, tons of low pop servers and a handful of full servers with sharding everywhere because Blizzard won’t merge servers. Instead they break apart the community by layering and sharding.


Probably this 100% of the time.
If people aren’t complaining about something then the ones who do are heard, people don’t complain when they are satisfied yet some are never satisfied and blame the quiet ones for complaining.

Doesn’t solve the some mega servers retaining players so way above turning off layering and others having lots leave. still stuck with layering.

they should take it out completely its a lie they will have it in the entire game


If Blizzard outright lies to the community on removing layering shortly after launch well I’m sure they already know the backlash would cause majority to quit.

They aren’t that silly. I’m sure they’re wise enough to stick to their word.

I bet worst case scenario is they still remove it shortly after launch, but they reintroduce it at a later date for AQ release.

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First we got this:

“One of the tenets of Classic WoW is none of the cross-server realms and different [server] sharding options that we have available to us today.”

Then we got this:

“That said, when everybody is packed into Valley of Trials, when everybody is packed into Elwynn, we think we can use sharding there in a limited, time limited way, to solve the initial launch day load problems, while making sure in the long run, that as server communities solidify, there’s a healthy population as single worlds for everyone to live in.”

Now we are getting cross-content sharding (layering) - that, unless they seriously overhaul in the next month, is ripe for exploits, immersion breaking, and untested on a large scale.

Backlash? They moved the goal posts several times and people are still going to play. We had streamers threatening not to play with sharding - and now they are pitching it as a good solution. The community rolled over on this one.


The duration that it remains is the biggest focus on layering. People rolled over on it being in the game temporarily at all.

Sounds like a bunch of sale outs, blizzard won them over.

We will see what happens. I think the excitement for Classic and how everything else is basically good made a lot of people want to try to force themselves to try and not care about layering. Once Classic releases everyone will see how truly awful layering really is. I think that will cause the people who previously were quiet to join the uproar, especially after the first 2-3 weeks when the argument for it’s existence becomes weaker and weaker.


Well to be fair they gambled that players would not care that much if they changed their stance from “Just the starting zones” to server-wide for several weeks. Seeing as how their gamble paid off and we didn’t care that much (mostly due to people being so hyped for Classic they just crossed their fingers that it wouldn’t be that bad) it’s not really that much of a stretch to see them making that same gamble again.

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I care enough about layering to just never resubscribe if they don’t launch with at least a few no-layering servers.

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I’m willing to put up with layering in the first few weeks but not more than that. If they don’t have an alternative (perhaps no layering servers like you said) by that and they are keeping layering in the game for even longer then I probably will stop playing then.

unfortunately, im not blizzard.

if i was blizzard, classic would have been released about a year ago, after i asked nostalrius for their source code and uploaded it onto the blizzard servers (with however much anti cheat and anti ddos ect that would keep people from citing that as its problem)

They couldn’t ever do that. If they used the Nostalrius code it would limit their ability to do things like the content phase plan and then darker stuff of course like having layering and potentially adding an in-game shop

On the contrary I’d say it can get much worse than what we’ve already been dealt. For example I can see them announcing layering sticking around for longer due to larger than expected player populations. I think the noise will help prevent such a thing from occuring as much as possible and keep the pressure on to get layering out of the game ASAP

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People are still talking about this?

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Yes, it’s still relevant. Classic hasn’t even released yet. Layering will be there. It will likely become an even bigger topic in a few weeks than it is now once people start getting layered in Classic.

But it’s not gonna matter. Layering will be there when it’s needed. Then gone when it’s not.