We're not making enough noise about layering

I doubt it. We’ve already seen them change layering somewhat in response to criticism. I have no doubt the more noise we make the higher chance we have of getting them to get it out of the game sooner.

at this point everything for classic is done, now they are just setting up the hardware / installing the software and getting ready for stress test / launch.

So? Layering has no set time for it’s removal. I fail to see your point whatsoever.

The changes they’ve made are fixes to prevent potential exploits, which is a reasonable and a responsible thing to do.

No amount of noise will get them to remove layering.

The technology available today is far superior to what we had 15 years ago. Things change- it’s the way the world works! Those who hang onto #NoChanges simply get left behind.

When you change things for the sake of it doesn’t make sense. What may seem to be a good change turns out to be the opposite, it’s how WoW become the trash it is today.

And yet BfA servers have a hard time with sharding and WM battles. Yep great technology Blizzard are running.


Within the first few weeks. #IonPromised

And watch what happens if it’s used after the first few weeks of Classic. I stopped playing retail mainly because i had enough of forced CRZ/sharding and how poorly done WM was implemented.

Yep, loved running around to see people disappear and then reappear, loved seeing Ore and Herb nodes vanish before your eyes, only to be seen again when you take a few steps back. Loved not seeing anyone from the realm i play on in the open world, since WoW isn’t a game meant to revolve around community. /s


It’ll be about 3 or so months now until you realize it wasn’t a real promise.

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And a month in, we’ll be right there demanding they now remove layering, if it doesn’t happen.

But deciding that the world is going to be bad to start with, despite everything Blizzard has said, is a guaranteed way to make your experience suck.

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My experience won’t suck, I’m not going to play the game until they remove layering. The only thing that will suck is how long I have to wait to actually play. I’m hoping, like you, that that time will be short. If it isn’t, which is what I mostly expect at this point, I won’t be surprised.


its a bit petty

What if I told you, you will have both…

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dont let the door hit ya…

So much hatred for anti-layering people.

I’m so confused here. I keep reading this stuff about layering like it’ll last until we all hit level 60. Is this a permanent solution to realm population issues or is this just for the beginning? Is this something blizzard WILL consider down the line if populations become too large or what?

If it’s only in the beginning, I don’t really care as I’ve experienced the fresh hype about 5 times already and it wasn’t that interesting aside from the trolls yelling the restricted word and talking about mankrik’s wife in general chat.

Is is bad that every time I see this “layering” thread resurface, I think of layers of chocolate cake? :disappointed:

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It will be removed within the first few weeks, Ion promised.

We’ll see how much that promise holds up. I will mention they already moved the goalposts once. Originally it was supposed to be only the starting zones.

I mean they said they will remove it so it’s not really a big deal, it will just affect you initially, not the core gameplay of classic.

To be fair, when it was sharding we were getitng,it was never said it would be strictly in the starting zones.

While they were talking about sharding they mentioned starting zones and the community took that as sharding in only starting zones, which was never actually said.