We're not making enough noise about layering

Is that why they recently admitted they were wrong about Class design in BFA and admitted they should have listened more to player feedback?

Half the people here think Blizzard listening to player feedback is how WoW ended up where it is today.

What is it, what’s the problem? Did Blizzard not listen enough to player feedback or did they listen too much?

Or is it that they didn’t listen to the “right” players


I probably won’t play if they take out layering. I was around for the 2004 launch. It sucked. Badly. I don’t want to deal with that again, I want to enjoy the amazing world of Azeroth as it was intended…not fighting desperately for mobs, server constantly crashing and other BS. The best time to play WoW back in the day was about 3 months after launch when areas weren’t so congested you could actually play the game.

All I care about is playing the game, and layering is gonna be completely phased out by phase 2 anyways And lets not forget that they also said they were only going to do layering for the first 2 weeks, which I agree with. They also said if they have to extent it, I’m also ok with it as long as it’s removed at phase two for world boss reasons. By then most of the players will have there fill of the game for nostalgia reasons and not play anymore, which is going to happen. I wouldn’t read to much into it. Because at the end of the storm, it calms down and settles. You are causing a storm over nothing imo.

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Saying something and doing something about it are two different things.

Way to try and change the topic when you get proven incorrect.

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About what?

Of course the troll would like your post, I uncovered his bias and he didn’t respond to a single post of yours because the bias is strong.

Also, how did I change the topic? ROFL, you changed the topic and I responded to you. What a joke. Trolls gonna troll.

Fellína, please type with two hands; I don’t have all day.

Touchy are we? I happen to agree that you are not the bastion of partiality you think yourself to be.

I guess it takes one to know one, no?

No way to determine anything until Classic launches and some time goes by, at which point Blizz and the entire WoW community will have a better understanding of how many are playing Classic vs Retail.

Trying to predict “what ifs” instead of patiently waiting to see factual info is pure folly :expressionless:

I agree, it’s a gamble, but they’re gathering their data in order to implement correctly and hopefully it remains temporary otherwise, to quote Babylon 5, “It was our last best hope for peace . . . it failed . . . . .”

I realized you were trolling right about here:

I hadn’t called you a troll at this point. This statement implies that you believed yourself to be trolling up until this point.

There’s been a plethora of posts and threads claiming Classic will kill BfA. I’m simply trying to find a method or methods of determining this post launch that most of us can agree on.

I’d much rather use facts to try to come to a conclusion than relying on nothing like this:

'Plainly obvious". How will it be plainly obvious? Oh right, the aura in the air will tell us. Or maybe the stars.

It’s nothing more than trying to create some sort of fear or resentments among the community depending on their personal views between Classic and Retail using “emotions” as a guide instead of factual data, which there is none.

It’s honestly not healthy mentally or emotionally and again, there is no way for anyone to know what will happen until AFTER classic launches and we have gotten through at least 2-3 months.

It’s no secret that WoW subscriptions have fallen quite a bit over the last several years, which is why Blizz stopped reporting actual numbers.

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I agree with most of what you’ve posted, except for this:

If that was the case, why did they report a near 50% drop in WoD? Why did they publish that last report that indicated the subs dropped from over 10 million to 5.6 million?

I think the more likely reason they stopped reporting subs to shareholders was because it was no longer an accurate way of showing financial success.

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That may very well be the case. Regardless of what has been reported, I will be interested to see how much of an impact Classic might be for those sub numbers to go back up, as if it is successful, then it might be 1 of the signs the devs are looking for in terms of future direction to take this IP.

I’d prefer queues over layering but Blizzard has made it pretty clear what their plan is and I don’t think any amount of noise is going to get them to change it. We’ll just have to deal with layering for a few weeks.

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And when some servers still have over 10-15k players a month after launch?

layering is literally here so there isn’t 65 dead servers in 6 months, no one wants to play on a dead classic server when you need groups for everything

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people are going to abuse it to escape from world pvp, gather resources, etc.
ask yourself: “was this in vanilla?” if the answer is no, then no it should not be in a vanilla remake.


have enough servers to launch as back up if the first few get too flooded, merge later. don’t do sharding/layering.