We're not making enough noise about layering

I would find Classic borderline unrecognizable if the “average” player had cleared all the content.

I mean, I guess if they really are really never going to add any content, that will probably happen sooner or later, but I feel like by that time the top guilds that are not composed of the kind of people who want to grind Atiesh for every single caster, will be long gone.

But pointless to speculate too much now. It will all depend on how popular it is two years from now.

Sure, but Naxx isn’t coming out for at 18 months or so, so we have at least that period for people before they can even get the first Atiesh.

That’s not what happened at all. They made layering encompass the entire world. If anything they expanded the sharding. And I saw another thread that showed in the beta less than a few hundred people were still being layered. Seems like mass sharding to me.

I plucked this gem out of the earlier comments. It’s perfect. Layering is antithetical to Classic. I’m telling you guys they will force it on us and keep it past Phase 2. We need to keep the noise going against layering as much as possible to keep that chance lower


Prove it. You have nothing except scaremongering, whereas they have made specific promises.

Ok. See you once Phase 2 starts. You’re going to have to delete your entire forum history by then considering how many things you’ve posted on these forums that will have been proven outright rubbish by then. You stated you also think Classic isn’t going to overtake retail and most will quit by Phase 2… Hahahahaha. I predict throughout the entire 2 years of Classic it will completely overshadow Retail except for the first 2 weeks of 9.0 and even then I doubt it will dip below half. See you around Novemberish.


Who cares? Let them keep it up until Phase 6 for all I care. Won’t ruin any enjoyment I’ll be having… if I enjoy Classic at all.

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It’s gonna be crazy how big Classic is compared to what people think.

Uh, no, I said that the tourists will leave in the first three weeks, then after that Classic will continue to grow. That’s an opinion, and apparently held by Blizzard (at least the first part).

What you’ve said flies in the face of everything Blizzard has told us they will do. So again, prove it. You can’t which is why you resort to ad hominems and lies.

What are you even doing in the Classic Forums then if you don’t think you’ll enjoy it?

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Talking about Classic because I am interested in it. And it’s not that I don’t think I’ll like it, it’s more of me not knowing if I’ll like it.

Ahh, that makes sense

Still not enough apparently. No word on any changes to layering yet.

I mean they don’t need to make a blue post about changes to Layering if they have no plans for any changes.

Likely they do plan to make changes. I can’t imagine what the Stress Test Delay is all about other than for them to make changes to layering, as the Stress Test is literally ONLY to test layering.

All this damn crying over layering which is going away within a reasonable amount of time once the mass influx calms down… lmao!!

If your honestly that concerned over layering, I would encourage you to NOT get involved with Classic WoW when it launches and wait for at least a month before you start.

Please allow the rest of us who aren’t bothered by this layering to enjoy something awesome that Blizz was kind enough to make for the community. Is it perfect? No, and frankly that’s OK!

Well, we’ve made too much noise apparently. A forum moderator locked and even unlisted my thread (without reason) which categorized and documented the known layering exploits and problems.

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I’m going to poop in your cheerios every day for a few weeks. Don’t worry, it’ll be over within a reasonable amount of time. So your complaints in the meantime are unjustified!

That’s how it works, right?


If ANY of you could be bothered to actually look into what layering actually is.

The reason it’s being added is because initially, the game is going to be a massive bottleneck. Over the first few weeks, people are going to be leveling at different paces, they’re going to make different choices of what zone to go to. The tons of people who no-life the beginning of every content release in this game are going to go back to their normal playing habits.

The server can handle all 11k people if they all stay, which they won’t. There’s 15 years of player habits to back that up. If that happens, you’re going to have 11k people on a single instance of the world (as layers get reduced, they’re raising the population cap per layer). Because it’s going to cause massive performance issues for the average person’s computer, they’ll probably open servers if it comes to that point and give transfers to it, you know, like they did back then.

So what happens if a server stays above 3k population after the initial burst and Phase 1which is very likely to happen? Will they be forced to keep layering? Classic is not going to just be popular at the start. In fact I think it will be MORE popular in the later phases as more and more people who quit WoW. Remember over 100mill unique accounts have been made, that’s a lot of people who quit, not saying all will come back but a lot will.