We're not making enough noise about layering

kk got you ill help i guess


You are the man. Together we will destroy layering.


True, but I’ve seen what it does and it doesn’t look great

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Agreed. Layering is garbage.


I think that succeeded about three months ago.

I guess you weren’t on the front lines of getting Blizzard to hear about Classic WoW

It’s terrible how they are just forcing layering without a single update or any sort of reply to all this feedback

I messaged Ion but got radio silence, I think they’ve made their bed and are hoping for the best

Everything will work out. Trust in the Blizzard magic! :shushing_face:

haha ya im making a post about it every time i log on so about 3 to 5 times a day


Great post. Ion does not care what you think though. I heard they were going to delete this post anyway.

Where did you hear that?

To be fair, i think he does. Ythisens said on his stream that Ion reads the forums all the time. To the point where if he agrees with some posts, he’ll end up changing stuff because of it. Pretty cool actually, considering he could let other people do it for him, who get paid to do it too.

Maybe we can all demand our money back if that is the case. People who are playing with layering anyways, under the premise that it will be removed, should be entitled to a refund if that premise for playing anyways proves to be false.

Based on the sheer popularity of Classic I think they won’t know what to do with all the people, especially when the population doesn’t drop off as much as they expected. I think that will lead them to keep layering in and ruin Classic.

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They have already said their route for this scenario.

Drop layering, use ques, open more realms, offer transfers.

Keeping layering isn’t the plan.


We’ll see what happens. I have a good feeling we’ll see layering much longer than they told us so far


It likely will be permanent. I can’t imagine them ever being able to remove it on high pop PvP servers. Think about this. A server with a 3k cap is layered in phase 1 to 11k people. Then in phase 2 when it goes back down to 3k cap…where do the other 8k people go? Another server? Fat chance. They’re keeping layering longer than they said.


Save this post everyone. I’m saying here now THEY WILL keep layering past phase 1.

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If you think any of the classic servers will remain at what they start at by phase 2 you are kidding yourself. Will some get nice populations ? possibly but there will be a drop off when players who are playing retail now come and take a look and realize that Classic is not for them. The die hard classic players (that are willing to pay Blizzard) will not be enough to warrant keeping layering past phase 1.