We're not making enough noise about layering

Pretty much, Xian.

Blizzard doesn’t want the layering any more than we do. They’re doing it because they have no choice.

Which like I said is a huge logistics issue. At that point you should just start without layering. You are more likely to switch off a server you haven’t started on instead of one you’ve been on a month in. Every week longer it stays the problem will get worse. Those high pop realms simply won’t go down like they plan and will suffer immensely from having it stay that long.

The issues would solve themselves without it. They are causing much more issues in the long run by keeping it in all for some minor short term gain.

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I’m not convinced. That sounds an awful lot like faith. I learned not to have faith ages ago.

If that were true you wouldn’t be supporting layering. If you played retail WoW you would know how bad Blizzard is at managing these types of systems.

And this is not based on faith, it’s based on experience and logic. All games with launch ques settle down every day that passes. The first 2 expansions showed it solved itself. Private servers solved themselves. There is no reason this wouldn’t be the same.

People act like having layering for a few weeks will solve realm population but there will be instability when they take it off because that’s just a natural part of an mmo. See here,

Those are the normal solutions they do and pro-layering people are just using that as a solution anyway. There’s no point to having it past a week if that’s the case.

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You also ended up with dead realms not long after launch thanks to that drop-off. That’s what Blizzard is trying to avoid here, plus spending money on additional servers at launch because their budget won’t support it.

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Those realms that would die will still die when they take off layering. It’s pretty pointless to have because the realms dying wouldn’t likely even need layering to begin with and the high pop realms are going to suffer a month in when they pull the rug and the cap is trying to deal with thousands of dedicated players past the limit. This means high pop realms are going to have immensely high que times 1 month in. Imagine trying to make raid progress and you have to get through a 6 hour que just to get in and miss half your raid team.


When you understand that they expect the tourist drop-off to be much, much more massive than the dedicated player drop-off, it makes a lot more sense.

Not all tourists drop off at the same time. A lot of these tourists will extend past the point they take off layering. Many will try it until they hit 60 or do some end dungeons and then stop. Others will run their subscription. Others will be dropping in/out from retail since the sub crosses over. This is still going to happen after phase 1.

Exactly, in addition to that it is very likely Classic steals a good chunk of the existing retail population in addition to fostering it’s own millions strong population. I have no doubt Classic is going to stay flooded throughout the entirety, not just at the start.

You’ll pay attention when you see 4 different players within 6 minutes and not all at once.

This is a perfect explanation. It’s literally sharding in every single way just disguised with a new and clever word, “Layering”. Ridiculous.


You mean like how you’ve come up with literally 0 defensible points as to why layering isn’t bad?

every time i go on forums i see 8 different post like this one

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It’s because it’s a pertinent issue with an outstandingly long list of problems and a huge amount of people are disturbed by it.

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Hmmm, so there isn’t a chat channel that is seen over all layers?

If layering stays in, its going to feel like a lonely world after awhile - not much of a community.

What if you join a guild? Are all guild members automatically on the same layer?

edit: despite their marketing claims, we aren’t really getting vanilla are we… its like vanilla nerf edition with some retail hand holding tossed in.

Considering why most of us wanted a classic, and thanks blizz for giving us classic, blizzz keeps coming down on the wrong side of the fence with these ideas/decisions.

Its almost like they knew we hated retail and wanted a classic, but still don’t know why we want classic.

Listen blizz… we want a community… and don’t want our hand held.

Is 1.12 the patch that had the like 1.5 dungeon set upgrade quests? Because things were really getting cheesy then.

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Oh no, layering to you is scary I know. I’m not a fan of layering myself but I’m not gonna get hung up on it if it’s only temporary. If you don’t want to deal with layering just don’t play.

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IF layering is temporary.

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Oh yeah if it’s permanent then I’m gonna be pissed.


just saying im pretty sure thwey know we do not agree with it

I see your point and normally I’d agree. It’s just we had people complaining left or right about class design in the BFA beta for example, and we thought they heard us, and they didn’t. Only recently were they able to come out and admit they were wrong. Therefore I think the best thing to do is make as much noise about this problem as possible so they hopefully do not ignore it.