We're not making enough noise about layering

Can you explain to me please how it’s going to look when i see someone nearby get invited by a player from a different layer?

And how does it look for others when i get invited by someone on a different layer and get transferred over to them?

How is it gonna look when a layer drops low enough in population to merge it’s current population into a more populated one?

How is it gonna look when a layer is getting too stuffed with groups and raids because it’s the “hotspot” layer, how will excess people experience the shift as they transfer over to a new layer? And how will people around you who stay in the original layer experience you and others changing layers?

And last but not least, how’s it gonna look when people are gonna group up from Day 1 to try and fish a low pop layer to avoid big mob competition? Or when people try to have PvP events but they have to switch to one specific layer in order to even be able to fight eachother for sure?

If layers are dynamic, which they are, then how come there’s no popping in and out, just like it’s been shown in the videos? How does it work? Please feel free to share.


Actually it does. By creating a server within a server, but only when necessary.

Unlike a server, which would continue to exist no matter how few players logged in.

What? This is 100% false, layering can be turned “on” or “off” as they have shown in the beta. How do you think they will turn it off for phase two, as they have said?

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No, it doesn’t. Read my comment thoroughly. Layering only allows servers to become bigger than 3k, that’s all the technology allows for. It doesn’t help dead servers at all. There will still be servers players don’t play as much and will end up dead whether there is layering or not.


Other games. Along with all the other people sick of “classic” changes.

Pretty much where Blizzards expected 80% loss is really going to come from.


Yeh they outright lied.

There aren’t any layers. Just multiple phases in every single zone. People quite clearly pop in and out of these phases on multiple videos available to all.



I’m watching the beta right now, there’s less than 50-100 people on it. People are still getting layered. That is garbage.

We’re not making enough noise about layering

On the contrary, you’re making far too much.

We will see. Only time will prove who is right. I don’t care what they promised. I can see the way the wind is blowing. They already budged once from just the starting zones to layering for all zones for all of Phase 1.

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No they never budged. They never said anything about it being only the starting zone. This was a fallacy created by certain forum posters. It spread enough where people think blizzard said it would only be starting zone.

Now you’re just making things up.

Nope. Blizzard never once said anything about it only being in the starting zone. How about you actually watch the interviews. They never specifically stated it will only be the starting zones.

I stopped reading after this:
" - First of all I completely disagree with Blizzard’s idea of when the servers will be flooded. They are guessing the very beginning will be the most populated time for Classic and thus using layering in that time will alleviate the servers instead of having massive realm queues."

With all due respect, that shows a lack of understanding of fresh server launches. The beginning will be extremely populated.

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I think we should make a layer just for you.
All to yourself how about that.

That’s not how layering works. Stop.

  1. Layers are not dynamic. You will not see entire groups of people go to another layer. When you login to the game you are put into a layer. That layer is very much stationary.

(Only reason you see this in any videos is 100% the devs manually moving players to test on the beta)

  1. Merging of layers will be handled during server maintenance before phase 2.

  2. It wont be that inpactful to see 1 person go to another layer when doing a dungeon.

  3. There wont be a hotspot layer. Even suggesting this is beyond ludicrous.

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That’s wrong though. Because here Omar himself says that they are “flexible and dynamic”:

You don’t get to stay in the layer you’re logged into. Later on in the video he says that the layer you’re in is assigned to you per play session, not per character creation.

Seeing as that’s how it is, all scenarios i’ve listed before are in fact gonna be a thing. I even got to test and see it myself in the stress tests, after the initial testing period was over.

And yes, there are gonna be hotspot layers. There were in the tests, and there will be on live whenever a cool event is happening because people will actively try to get an inv to the layer it’s happening in. That’s just common sense, cause everyone will try to join the fun.

I’ve also shown in a video how you can see your layer quickly empty out as people change to other layers. The poofs are real. And they’re gonna happen aplenty in live too, if not more, cause there will be a ton of people playing.


I don’t think you understand. I’ve told you multiple times I’m not talking about those videos.

I’m talking about their plan to remove layering and how that won’t work on a high pop realm when the servers actually go live. Why do you keep mentioning the beta which has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. If they say they promise to stop layering by phase 1 and some streamer server is still 3x the cap with layering that server is in huge trouble, more so than they would be in if they started off without layering. This isn’t even based on any videos it’s just a logistics problem that will happen and Blizzard hasn’t talked about that.

When i was you stay in that layet i was talking about per time you log in. Of course not when you create a toon. I don’t know why you thought otherwise.

Again that video of people clearing out is devs moving those players. Peroid.

And i also mentioned how blizzard stated how they are going to deal with that.

They literally said if the pop remains high they will just open up new servers. And remove layering.

They will offer free character xfers to the new servers.

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