We're not making enough noise about layering

I never saw one player pop in and out when I was in stress test I wish they did expeshaly all the 1000s of players trying to do same quest

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That maybe Blizzard doesn’t want to spend time and money addressing unstable servers, and then addressing population issues, when they can very easily prevent the problem with nothing more than a minor inconvenience to only some of the people who will be playing?

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So… “intentionally misrepresent”. The point is that the overpopulation people are claiming, never happened. We in our mind extend the populations, mix it with private server experiences, and over-inflate the actual problem. 500-600 people in a launch zone is the highest you’d ever see in these launch situations, and that’s half of what people keep claiming they want. And people also complained that it was too sparse while getting those actual numbers in the first stress test. Leveling should be slow and crowded but that’s not as bad as people make out. It’s not 1000 people in Elwynn Forest, because that would be 66% of the alliance all rolling humans.

I’m all for the Vanilla experience. I am not for an overblown “Vanilla Memory” experience, where there’s 1000 people in a zone at launch.

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Just because you didn’t personally experience it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Exactly, now stop making useless replies, you obviously have nothing intelligent or useful to contribute. You said it yourself, you need to stop talking if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nobody wants layering in Classic, not even Blizzard. They’re doing it because they have to.

They even have a solid deadline for its removal if it turns out it stays on somehow past the first “few weeks.”


Turns out Vanilla Dev Kevin Jordan also thinks that layering is “extreme trouble”, and it’s the only thing in the beta he implies is in the category of issues that can threaten to ruin Classic:


All this “fear mongering” BS that’s trying to be spread by some who defend layering would by their logic also have to apply to this down to earth man, who wants to see his greatest work succeed yet again, and has proven to have great game design skills as he helped make the game that’s so beloved even 15 years later.

:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: is not gonna get us very far. Classic’s on the line. There can’t be enough noise about this. #nochanges


Watch the twitch vods for the interviews.

They’ve said that they expect their to be queues. Because that’s authentic to vanilla. They also said that if the population doesn’t die down as they are expecting it to by phase two. That they are looking into simply creating more servers for players.

Right now they are using the minimum amount of servers because they expect the population to crash after the first month ir so.

That was devs moving people to other layers nothing more. The beta doesn’t have enough people on it to properly test layers.

That wasn’t layering being buggy. Itvqaw 100% devs causing that.

That doesn’t make sense as a solution though. It’s just like not having layering but messing up a server for weeks/months with the same result.

Layering is a true sinister darkness that will pervert and desecrate Classic as a game.


If players can “layer hop” in the middle of combat, clearly this a flawed system that needs refinement before August 26th

I trust that the dev team will find a respectable solution, and hopefully that solution is to open more servers, and simply let people deal with cue times for a couple of days.


I’m saying it here for everyone now. Layering will not be removed by Phase 2. Seeing interest in Classic it’s impossible to imagine them removing it when the population will surely be much higher than they originally thought. Remember this comment.


I would rather layering then dead servers.

Layering doesn’t even solve dead servers. All it does is allow certain servers to become mega servers. Like streamer servers can handle 15k people and stuff. If anything that will make more dead servers than non layering will since nobody will be forced to spread out.


You…don’t understand.

The stuff you are seeing in the videos is blizzard doing tests. That’s the point of a beta. They are…TESTING layering. They are purposely moving players to tests how they deal with the stress of people.

Just because someone posts a video out of context to the issues (nearly everyone has been fixed in the beta btw) doesn’t mean the valid in anyway. In fact it shows the poster is just grabbing at straws without any proper knowledge.


you’re a clown.

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You literally will not see people pop in and out. The only reason you see that in beta videos is 100% devs moving those people manually. All the people saying its happening without a reason are wrong. It’s the only happening because those players are being moved. How ironic…testing from blizzard going on in the beta.

It 100% will be.

Blizzard has already stated that if the population doesn’t decline that they are intended to open up more servers.

They also stated that queues will happen.

They don’t want multiple world bosses through layers once phase two starts.

Any person who believes that it will stay is wrong. Point blank.

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How do companies keep choking re releasing their games. This is gonna be Halo MCC all over.

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