We're not making enough noise about layering

How can you watch those videos and not see a problem with what he is saying? If they promise to collapse them down a few weeks in what happens to high pop servers? They will be in even more trouble than they would be on launch because there is severe server instability a few weeks in. So they either keep layering longer or the servers are even worse off than launching with no layering.

If they were set on promising this they would say a specific date instead of “a few weeks” or “by the end of phase 1”. They fail to address how they are handling this on a high pop server too where they simply can’t collapse it like they intend to.

This doesn’t work.

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Additional knowledge that 90% of the issues in those videos have already been fixed? Awareness that this will last no longer than a few weeks and then be forgotten in the grand scheme of things?

That’s been covered numerous times both in this thread and every other one. It’s both an unrealistic expectation that planning for would disrupt planning for the realistic cases, AND they have plenty of existing solutions to smooth out any slightly higher servers.

Just ask people on Blackrock how they handled high populations…

Ah, the classic “I disagree with you, therefor your reasoning about the topic must be flawed” approach.

Right, I had nearly forgotten about that one.

Just because calling mentally handicapped is an adhominem, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

And you still think you have any grounds to cry foul about people tossing insults your way?

You’re a joke.

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Nope, that was one lobbed right into the crowd because it’s clear you don’t want to actually discuss the topic, and purely want to hurl insults.

I’d say /thread, but I know you will reply to this.

I’m pretty sure I asked if you had any more counterpoints against my undermining of your arguments, to which you neglected to reply for the second time.

Once again, you’re a joke of a person.

I’ve already undermined all of your points, but since you ignored it to repeat the same arguments over and over, there’s no point repeating the same responses over and over.


You didn’t, but I’m not surprised you think you did.

I believe early on I made the comparison of religious fanatics blindly seeing their own perception as “the one and infallible truth”.

See what?

Sounds like the #nolayeringnomatterwhat group to me too!!


I think you misunderstood.

Nobody is saying you can’t be in favor of layering - if you think layering is less bad than no layering, fine, you’re entitled to that opinion.

I disagree with it, but it’s a valid opinion to have.

To actually try and ARGUE that it is “factually” better, and acting as if your trashy arguments are in fact undeniable truth, is a different matter altogether.

People raise valid concerns about Layering, and it just strikes me as very laughable that people try to swipe them under the rug with arguments that can JUST AS EASILY be used against layering. It’s ludicrous.


I could not agree with you more on this. The problem is that the side that wants to boycott and open a million threads instead of supporting a thread that is already going seem to not feel the same way.

Some are simply not willing to entertain the viewpoint of the other and even resort to name-calling or worst claiming that those who do not agree with them should go play BFA. It’s not productive in the least.

Well, I mean, what do you expect? We’re on the internet…

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Every single issue in those videos have already been addressed by blizzard in the beta.

Old videos posted by people trying to spread false news is not good.

People need to stop reading into these people who don’t know what they are talking about.

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The exploits needs to be FIXED and WoW vanilla was designed for 2500 players not for 12k~15k.

If people dont want LAYERING then blizzard should release 20 servers with 2500 players as limit like 15 years ago


Not a bad idea at all.

I don’t think you even read what I was talking about. The videos are the Ion ones talking about layering and they certainly haven’t addressed how they will handle high pop servers that don’t go down within a few weeks. I think you are assuming I’m talking about the exploit videos which I am not.

You can clearly see from my achievements that i did play vanilla. Obviously my reference to painful leveling times is about new server openings and i specifically use the word tangible because it exactly describes the element lost when layering is introduced.

I appreciate how passionate you are about your own opinion, but your self-righteousness is painfully toxic.


Yes they have. They have literally said exactly what they are thinking of doing with high pop.

Care to quote it? I’m not seeing it.

They don’t even need to do that. They can just use Layering differently. Rather than allowing people to hop between layers every time they group or login, disallow any movement at character creation and then merge as necessary later once the tourists leave. Some servers will likely have multiple layers permanently.

The difference being Vanilla did not have layering, so they are justified in not wanting it added.