We're not making enough noise about layering

Yeah… Ion… a font of wisdom… We’ll see when phase 2 hits, if there are still say servers requiring 5 shards, I don’t think that will stand.

When is phase 2 coming out?

I’ll admit he’s not been the most consistent with things. But… this one at least makes sense on all levels. Layering was always meant to be short term. If they have more numbers than expected after the tour, then they just make more rooms for people to chill in. Positive outlooks. They help :slight_smile:

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Layers are those rooms for more people to chill out in :slight_smile:

I don’t see them suddenly saying in phase 2 well a few guilds might be farming world bosses so everyone else gets screwed. Ion might actually like that but hopefully he doesn’t make that call.

We all are man. Right there with you!!


Those people that ‘get screwed’ on the high pop servers would get free transfers to less populated servers. Not completely screwed. Not optimal, but it’s better than letting layering stick around any longer than necessary.

Layers are the icky motels while they wait for the good places to be ready :slight_smile: It’s worth it in the end.

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More than enough noise has been made when it comes to layering. It’s literally the most discussed topic when it comes to beta. Also of your points that I read only one is valid and that is regarding the exploitation of layering. You can’t predict the population any better than any of us can predict the stock market so that point is moot. You will still get to know the people on your server as it is a layer and not a shard that will be split among multiple servers.

I am remaining moreso neutral on layering at the moment but I will have no issue with it as long as it can’t be heavily exploited for gear and materials.

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I’ve started reporting all of them for spam and trolling. There is no need to make new topics when the old ones work just fine

Even if your argument is well placed.
Only Blizzard knows the numbers for launch, they know very well a WOW launch plays out in it’s best and worse.

They decided this even before we entering beta and I seriously doubt they will change their mind on this technical aspects of the launch, no matter how many times you disagree, sorry but this is reality.

Let’s hope they are right about that and I know very well they will increase servers if demands requires it.

Let’s hope a for a good launch for classic and we all have the fun we wanted for so long. At the very end this layering thing will be things of the past in a couple of months ahead and the economy will normalize it self eventually.

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Ion promised 3-4 weeks. The end of phase 1 world boss bit was just further explanation as to why it can’t exist.

Just mentioning that phase 1 stuff in the same breath was a nice Jedi Mind Trick, intended or not. Well played, Ion, if you are reading!

Again, he promised a “few” weeks.

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Well that certainly changes the window for concern, 3-4 weeks is a lot more agreeable.


few is a very relative term

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So I’m for layering Elrali but I’m with you on the leveling up together with people aspect. I’m with the layering crew or I’m “accepting” it as a necessary evil because i know there are going to be way more people on launch now than there was back then. The only reasons I’m accepting the layering system is I’ve felt the pain of a overpop starting zone. And the big reason is that they have said multiple times that layering is only going to be in for the first few weeks. And also in an interview they stated this that the layering will get dwindled down and down till there might only be 2-4 copies of the world and down to a singular world as fast as possible within the first few weeks. That being said they 100% guaranteed that before they release world bosses there will be 1 complete world with no layers.

McBump, say no to layering/sharding… blizz should know better, but they never listen to their customers


I have a strong feeling he’s going to end up cleverly having to explain why they’re keeping it in for Phase 2, then Phase 3… then all of Classic. We’ve already gone from 3 weeks to 3 months.

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Regarding retaining layering in the game more than a few weeks, I will give them a chance to keep their word. If layering is there after a few weeks, the crap will hit the fan.

Look I am totally with you about past garbage in retail where sharding/crz ruined the open world, and how it showed up unexpectedly at times, and the retail devs seemed to favor that over the community.

I am giving the classic team to a chance to prove otherwise. If it doesn’t work out that way, then I guess WoW days are over for me.

Well the thing is they already did say it will be there for all of Phase 1 instead of the starting zones for a few weeks. So they’re already going past the few weeks mark. Phase 1 is going to last at least 3 months.


They said a few weeks. Unless you have a better source than me.

Here Ion says both “few weeks” and “promise”:

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Don’t play it then.

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Yeah - that is my plan right now.

If it is out in a few weeks - I will join the party.

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