We're not making enough noise about layering

Look up “Familiarity Principle” or “Mere Exposure Effect”. We are programmed to be wary of the foreign and unknown, while we are also programmed to think more fondly of the familiar.

This applies to human interaction, and it is why CRZ and layering are horrible for the community. When you meet someone new out in the world, you are unlikely to engage in meaningful interaction because you do not know them. Your brain tells you to ignore them and move on. However, if you meet that person again, and again out in the world, your brain begins to reorganize your perception of that person, even if there is no real reason to. That person becomes more familiar to you as you see their name out in the world regularly.

If a druid buffs you in the Barrens, you’ll probably buff them back, wave, and move on. If that same druid buffs you again in Ashenvale, saves you from a gank in Desolace, then heals you after pulling too many mobs in Feralas, you’re much more likely to remember their name and think positively of them. That positive opinion and human nature leads to a greater chance of actually forming friendships. If you met that druid the Barrens, but was layered away from him in the other zones, then he’s just that druid who buffed you a month ago that you forgot about the day after.


Well said. Id add the random dungeon finder to this. It removed a large chunk of the player base from the world in favor of lazy, quicker gearing from randoms. This was especially negative for pvp server communities because it created a vacuum that was quickly filled with gankers.

This and. . man. . I can’t belive I am giving away one of my plans. I was already planning on taking a nelf priest to Winterspring to park next to the runecloth bag pattern vendor even before layering was a thing.

Do you know many times I am going to die?
Does that make me an exploiter because I take time out of my leveling main toon? All so I can try to have a chance to get the recipe for my tailor or even put it on the AH?

If the exploitability is not addressed then I will raise my pitchfork with . . well, reasonable people. If not then if anyone buys them up before be abusing this system I can hope it’s just for a week or two.

You really worded this well, and it’s a good explanation of why people who care about the social aspect of the game, have quit BFA and why they are very rightly worried about classic when it comes to layering.
It seems a lot of those that are ok with layering fail to see why anyone cares about socializing in the game, some even suggesting to use things to meet people outside the game instead of actually developing anything in the game itself. Friendships have to develop over time, you can’t force it on first contact with someone knowing you may never see them on your layer again, this is another example of why layers make such a thing difficult.


There ya go again man.

We care too.

But thanks…

How can you serve more than one master? If you catch my drift?

This <expletive- guy, people can’t have differeing opinoins or even slightly different opinions, black and white one side or the other.
obnoxious extremist stupidity.

That’s the thing tho. It just really doesn’t affect me if I chose to not allow it do so. If I farm my own mats, create my own Items-- Those bags from some player manipulating the Layers, doesn’t affect me.

I’ve always been of the mind, the AH was for convenience, not a necessity to play the game.

Don’t get me wrong, Playing the AH is a game within the game. So I do understand how it could affect others.

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At the time of this reply, 5 of the top-20 topics on this forum are about Layering.

Not only is that plenty of “noise,” but it’s starting to become exactly that: noise.

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This, 1000000%

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Not enough, reddit and twitter haven’t been involved, and there hasn’t been much noise on any gaming news sites about how blizzard is making a huge mistake not listening to their players etc etc etc.


!00% agree

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Just because I do not subscribe to your SKY IS FALLING religion does not mean I do not have the same fears and concerns as you.

However, you are very free to throw around broad strokes that claim if we try to raise ideas or questions (which you don’t answer by the way) then we are something else and HATE classic.

It’s just a tiring argument really.


That’s the polite way to put it.


I will elaborate, how can you say you care about socializing in the same way as has been pointed out by other posters, yet you want layering that will totally destroy what people are pointing out? Those are two different masters as I’m implying and you can’t serve both.

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Well you both should get some rest then. :slight_smile:

why so you can have your echo chamber? since clearly you don’t want dissenting opinions here on your forum.
you don’t want to discuss anything, you’re arguing and it’s an argument you’re simply not going to win.

There’s plenty of dissenting opinion in this thread is there not?

Socializing is being able to actually talk and interact with other players-- not standing around and Watching other players without any interaction.


I didn’t have any trouble finding other players to group with and interact with while I was in the stress test.

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The problem with continuing to start new sky-is-falling topics about the same issue is that it’s going to turn people off. Even if they agree with you to an extent, they get sick of seeing it. “Oh, FFS, this again?”

Layering needs it’s own megathread.