We're not making enough noise about layering

100% got plenty of social interaction while I was in the Stress test. I kinda feel like, this is very subjective, however.

What’s plenty for me, might not be plenty for you.

No, there is no duscussion to be had with the screeching that goes on these forums about the gloom and doom, or how my idea is the Panacea that will cure all the ills of CLassic.

What i would want is a more detailed post about the the drawback of layering they have seen and why we went with this system. Along with some fixses they would be trying in the next testing period to sure up things or what they would be implementing in beta.


I feel like the vast majority of people just aren’t grasping the reality of the situation or seeing the ultimate goal of layering. The reality is a LOT of people are going to be curious about Classic and they are going to come check it out. A lot of those people aren’t going to stay.

Layering, with all it’s faults, is going to ensure that those of use that really want Classic are not going to have to endure dead servers down the road. We don’t have to wander around ghost towns thinking about what might have been.

Layering has a lot of down sides, but it’s our best hope for a bright future in Classic.

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I am talking about MMO’s in the above quote. There was like… EQ to compete with Vanilla. And a couple other somethings. Now there’s, just to name a few, BDO, FFXIV, (BFA, kinda?), ESO, Heck, even Runescape is growing again. Easier to hop onto one of these than deal with queues for the current, impatient, entitled generation.

This is just how the world works. Classic won’t be the same as one would remember Vanilla. Similar, sure. But not the same. It will have the modern innovations(where necessary).

That ‘first bite’ is simply too hot. And we need a bit of time to let it cool before we can truly enjoy it without worrying about the sandwich falling apart cause the meat slid out and left it vacant. (These metaphors or whatever are awkward to work with. Don’t slay me please)

havent had a problem with socialization or getting/finding groups and pvping in beta.

Only thing that pisses me off is a random layering switch but I can handle a death run or two…

I never said you are making things up. Learn to read.

I said alk this has been stated already and blizzard has said they are looking into it.

Making repeated threads on a topic that blizzard themselves has said they know is being worked on is the pointless part.

Also ive been in every beta test. I literally couldn’t jump layers in the last one.

Then why not have half of the servers be layering servers (Designated for new players) and the other half non layered servers(Designated for TBC & PRE TBC players)?

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I have no idea what you think that would accomplish.

Because the new players are more likely to leave right? Isn’t that what you are trying to point out, people are going to want to try the game and may end up leaving?

Most people arent concerned with other people or the community though, as you can usually tell through the posts. The people complaining about the ecnomey are mostly concerned that they arent going to be able to make there cut from it, or the other way that a few people are going to become so rich in mats as to the game will be a play ground to them. In reality it probably wont matter that much in the long run.

The ones that look at it through the community lens are usually trying to do so in a way that maifests there own views of how a community should look instead of the greater whole of the Server and game. Hows does this effect Me in other words not how does effect the greater whole os us. Those are always interesting as they usually turn the entire discussion in to something akin to what other games do currently and has not worked there either. Once challenged though they would swear up and down its more Vanilla and no changes should be made to that process. Though the ideas usually leave some servers out to dry or force merge people who didn’t know each other existed in one month.

Sadly, many people will never get to the point of understanding what layering is a solution to and instead or just trying to make sure that people dont “exploit Layers” . Which i can commend, the only issue is that the solutions make launch or the server layer merges that much worse in the future.


Because people will fundamentally go wherever it says High server population. As they have learned by now that population and community will be everything and where it says low its a good chance you are going to be screwed. Servers without it would have a lower pop simply because layers dont exsist and thus would be high population that much faster.

At the same time i would ask why not just play the game for the month that layering will be active and removed at the end and then enjoy the rest of the 2 year journey without layers?

Do we really need to call out the BS segregationist attitude this is? Do we? It’s 2019. You are no better than a brand new player in BFA that has never stepped foot in Vanilla. You are also no worst than them.

Classic is NOT just for those of us that played those expacks. . Its for EVERYONE.

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If it’s for everyone, then the new players will enjoy their layered new player designated servers. I’m not leaving them out of the experience from what I said am I? They will enjoy the layering so much I’m sure they will migrate over to BFA after.

No .You are telling them you are better and they should sit in the back of the bus.


Never said that. Classic is like a pizza with some really funky cheese on it. Some people are going to think it’s the greatest thing they have ever had (like me), but some people just aren’t going to like it. This isn’t a new player versus old player issue. There will be plenty of long time vanilla vets that don’t like giving up their flying mounts, heirlooms or LFD.

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Layering is absolutely horrid. If they must have it, limit it to the 1-20 starting zones. It might still cause exploits with low level gathering professions, but it’s better than it being everywhere like it is in beta. Its proven to be a failure already, so personally I would rather just have longer login queues like we used to. If I wanted to play sooner, I should have got on sooner.


Reason! Thank you Millianna

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They have been. There are a bunch of videos posted here:

Basically how I feel.

The reality is, I don’t have to purchase their items. And I don’t have compete with them on the AH either, if they’re trying to manipulate the Layers to farm mats. There are other ways to bank in the gold to get things paid for.

I think that the blizz team realizes that the bulk of the community do not want layering/sharding but they feel it has to happen in order to save the game from the potential of the ghost town effect.

I didn’t like phasing when it came in wrath of the lich king either but I get why they did it. In hind site, it could have been implemented better. With wow classic lets hope this is a chance for them to implement the offspring of phasing better, layering/sharding.