We're not making enough noise about layering

I’ve gone through hundreds of posts in 3 separate threads so far asking people to post screenshots and nothing…

And if you don’t have proof it’s happening why are you believing it?

the addon posted is basically confirmed fake/doesnt work so that was a big fat lie.

and still no screen shots proving someone has all this.

this is a simple case of the salem witch trials where someone claims loud enough that someone else is a witch and trolls jump on the band wagon to stir controversy.

I’ve tried layering and it is no where near as exploitable as people say it is.


Kozzie are you joking? The layering exploiting is obvious. Everyone saw Jokerd do it live on stream and there’s 24hrs + of video evidence of that.

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Yea… i saw him do it, he didn’t start really using it a lot until 58-60. took him multiple attempts to get to a new layer and more often than not he sat there waiting… also… he had like 100+ people to switch to to try and get new layers. Most normal people will never be able to get that many people to wait around for you to switch layers.

so it’s not really a plausible idea that anyone can exploit this into making 160k gold or whatever the ridiculous claim is now.


Oh yea, and there’s this… Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself - #20 by Pazorax-1880

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Fov and perspective depth to drawing the world changed with the updated engine.

As did lighting, effects, various other bits. Pservers use the 1.12 client without any of these changes. Not hard to spot.

More examples of layering being abused as the game goes on:

Still nothing done besides a meaningless cooldown addition.


Blizzard doesn’t care. It makes things more accessible.

I hope they learn from this and in the future if they release BC or something there is no layering.

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Future MMORPG developers please learn from this. Layering and sharding kill communities and these are the things that plague both Retail and Classic WoW.


The end of layering can’t come fast enough. I wonder why they are holding off. I hope it doesn’t end up literally being the day before Phase 2 that layering is turned off.


They did say in a dev interview that them turning off layering before P2 can literally mean that they’ll end up turning it off 5 mins before launch of P2. From their PoV it makes perfect sense that they give themselves this amount of leeway, however from a player PoV it’s really frustrating to have to wait potentially months until you finally get to have the full game experience without any layer BS.

They even said that they might not turn off layering per realm, even though the have the capability to do so to turn it off individually.

Not getting my hopes up at all. To be fair it wasnt as bad as i expected at first, but the more im past the initial leveling zones, the worse my experiences have gotten with this system and it’s shown all its ugly faces that i’ve seen before. The longer it stays, the more damage will be done. I just hope they decide to disable it very vigorously the moment it’s even remotely possible, for the sake of the game and peoples experiences (especially on RP/RP pvp realms).


Layering can still apparently be used in Classic to farm dungeons. For example boss dies. You get layered. New boss appears.

so i went to meet with my guild outside the bank and of course he wasn’t showing up…he invited me to the group and everyone on my (so called layer) disappeared NO ONE WANTS THIS GET RID OF THIS BLIZZARD…THIS GAME USES 17% OF MY GPU USAGE ON MAX SETTINGS GET RID OF ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT…MMO STANDS FOR MASSSIVEEEEE MULTIPLAYER

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layering is really ruining things. GET RID OF IT NOW

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Stop necroing stupid crap please and thank you.

there is nothing written in stone…they said it themselves that in the future if needed they will add layering/sharding if needed…we dont want it at all it ruins the experience of the game…no body wants to see people disappearing when they try and group with someone it completely ruins the experience of an open world MMORPG and also ruins mutual friendships of just walking by someone and saying hey man! i seen u earlier at the mines! nope…not no more because blizzard decided to switch your layer…we are tired of it they make BILLIONS let me repeat that…BILLIONS of dollars off this game and they cant think of a better solution? WE WANT IT GONE

i didnt bother with classic because 1.12 and layering wasnt classic. they said layering would be removed. we smart people knew they lied. you wont get a true vanilla experience till naxx using 1.12 stats. the fact i checked in to see they didnt remove it only makes me happy to have passed as an affirmation to im always right. they cant remove layering. the game has been cloud based for some time. they will not buy the dedicated servers just for a fan fair.

Good for you!

look man, they need to squish more servers together and layer it up,

there’s not enough people to group with at the various levels

accept reality and move on

Nonsense. Baloney. BS.

Vanilla did not have 4 million players all starting the same week. For that reason, Vanilla did not have the problem that led to layering. Vanilla added players very slowly, at roughly 200,000 per MONTH for the first several years.

Saying “Vanilla did not need it, so Classic doesn’t either” is naive and shows a complete lack of understanding of the game.