We're going for 24 hours of nonstop dungeon grinding boys



(Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?)

Its not yours unless it’s in your bags.

Legendaries don’t drop for a certain spec on purpose so that you can get the memories for all specs. I’m sorry you didn’t get it.

ok, either you’re trolling or its in your bags. or both.

because, really. legendaries are not this rare. mythic is pretty much guaranteed or almost guaranteed.

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Prob put it in your bank and forgot about it.

Pretty sure they’re just spamming normal mode dungeons over and over and over again.

They’re only 166 item level.

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Good Luck!

Stay safe but your struggle is admirable :sweat_smile:
I would of quit after 2 consecutive runs lol.
Not into playing games that cause me stress, or are not fun.

Blizzard should of handled this differently, everything they’ve done reeks of lack of creativity and foresight.

But those monthly active users, mm mmmmm finger lickin’ good.

gonna be up until mythic dungeons reset tomorrow, gonna be running heroics for the next 8 hours constantly!

When i get dissapointed which is inevitable, hopefully those dungeons will give me the damned legendary and i can logout of this game for the next month for my mental health!

Then when i return i can finally pvp

Well not really. There only so many drops he can use in there so definitely possible he got those drops already and the 171’s that he got are what’s giving him the 166 ilvl.

submitting a ticket to blizzard right now, ill legit pay for 5 wow tokens if they just give me the legendary so i dont have to be tortured any more

Damn, I’m sorry man. I’m one of those lucky goofs that got all my legendaries in the first two weeks. (granted, I got all the MW and WW ones before brewmaster. Had to grind Sanguine Depths all day for that)

Playing any video game for that long and that much is really not healthy. Dont do that to your body it’s not worth it.

I get it, I wish I could just PVP as well but unfortunately With The Changes they made I have had to make do with not great gear for years now

the game is reading into the metrics and seeing you must really like it not dropping because if it dropped you would stop. /faulty logic

Chasing Doom Winds I assume?

Let me bless you with my battle pet luck! :dog2: :cat2: :rat:

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i may change my name to Spireslave tomorrow, or Trashrng

maybe then this game will have mercy on my soul

you need to do more runs stop being lazy.

Watching someone get so clearly bent out of shape over pixels in a video game is honestly a little pathetic.

Dude, just run some mythics already and stop torturing yourself needlessly.

its not pixels its bytes. because legos are for effects not appearance.