We're going for 24 hours of nonstop dungeon grinding boys

deleting this post, as well as this character.

i cant take this anymore. its been 18 hours, over 50 runs and no legendary.

gotta just stick to my rogue main i guess.


Good luck! I hope you get the doom winds soon! I learned that the drop rate goes way up in mythic and mythic+, so if you can do the M0 or mythic plus groups, I hope you get it very soon!

I wish they did bad luck protection where your drop rate increases each kill. Similar to capturing wild pets in pet battles.

Alternatively, I’d also enjoy some sort of token system where you get tokens from all forms of content and then buy whatever memory you like from a vendor or something. :man_shrugging:

Tbh with how many threads you made about it today , i really do hope it does NOT drop for another 40 runs :wink:


See this is what surprises me, as I got all my powers with little to no pain, yet others keep getting shafted hard over them. I don’t get what some pick them up like candy off the street, and others don’t and wind up spending serious amounts of time trying to get something. That should be easily gotten, seems like a flaw with the RNG system, which wouldn’t surprise me given how buggy the game honestly is. GL in your quest to get it though, hope it finally drops for you!

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That was me with the stupid Red Noggin Candle recipe. I wasn’t leaving Halls of Atonement until I got that dumb Dreger so I could buy it.

I went from Neutral to Friendly with the Avowed, 3 rep per kill to get keys.

Still no recipe. :expressionless:

My sanity couldn’t handle it anymore.

Legendary items should never have been gated behind an RNG drop and the requirement to get someone else to craft the base item and missives for you, ever.

Everyone with a primary profession should have been able to farm and craft their own legendary base item, get a free choice of secondary stats and the memory should have been a quest chain for each, like run raid W amount times to get X number Y and Z items to unlock the power.

Than use your own primary profession to make whatever item that can be used to convert to the base item needed to use with the powers. It makes no sense how I need to spend an awful lot of money to upgrade my item because the only people on my server who are able to make them are listing them for something stupid.

Can you honestly say that if you had spent tens or hundreds of thousands of gold to level up your crafting prof to make runecarver items and there wasn’t much competition, you wouldn’t be selling them for high prices to recoup your investment?

The answer to stupid high prices is more crafters offering the items, and competition driving the prices down.

It’s a player driven solution so don’t expect Blizzard to step in.

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I don’t know who needs to tell you this, but I’m going to say it.

The legendary is not worth your mental, physical, or emotional health. Go to bed.


It’s a video game. You’ve made multiple threads. You’re literally losing sleep and getting actually genuinely upset over pixels.

Seek help. Turn the game off.

You don’t need your legendary to PvP.


My point is it should never have been an issue to begin with. I have inscription and engineering, so I am out to make the items, and I am not changing just for one expansion.

Blizzard shouldn’t need to step in, it should never have been an issue to begin with. All players should have always had the option to make their own legendary items from day 1.

We all know how bad the player base is, regardless if there are enough crafters, the price is always going to be sky high at the start and will take long enough to come down before some players can afford the items.

A power progression item that affects 100% of the players in the game must be from day 1 something attainable for all players with the only thing stopping us is ourselves pushing and trying to get into groups.

Like how the BfA essences were, you could push yourself to raid mythic and get the item faster, or just run LFR and get it eventually.

I wish you luck man that sucks, friends having the same issue with spires legendary. We’ve run it a ton

Sounds super healthy.

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It has a higher drop chance the higher the difficulty is so spamming on normal isn’t the most efficient use of time.


Hopefully they see this before they embark on their journey through normal / heroic dungeons.

This assumes all players do group content. Otherwise those players would be out in the lurch, same as you now find yourself (for different reasons).

Offering legendary designs from various content was the right choice, just their implementation has been hap-hazard as usual.

Make sure to take some breaks in between

I wish it was boe cause I got that vendor 3 times in a row. Best way to do keys is get a group of 5 to also kill Sunstone bosses. Then when everyone is tired of playing whack a mole get them all to open crypts. That way 5 people benefit from each key as opposed to one and you have 5x the key drop rate.

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Shaman healer in the last group got the ENHANCEMENT legendary

This game is so trash.
This game is so trash.
This game is so trash.
This game is so trash.
This game is so trash.
This game is so trash.


I get so many legendaries that I’m getting them for assassination at this point lol.

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I think I just died a little inside. LOL
