It should be struck down, It’s idiotic how much money is being sent oversea’s for nonsense, while people here in the states are suffering.
Want some more kool-aid? you seen thirsty.
20? This country was sold to business interests in the early 1900’s and we’ve been on a slow countdown to extinction ever since.
Yeah, the funniest commentary on election night was from the networks like ABC and CBS when the counts started coming in. They were relying on the charlatans, err, I mean pollsters who were predicting a landslide for Democrats in Congress. Suburban voters especially suburban women would carry the day for Democrats they said.
It was so funny when the instant the counts started coming it, they stopped mentioning it. Talk about getting paid for wrong info. Might as well be a stock tout on CNBC. lol
Democrats have to learn how to talk to regular voters, not just the wine sipping, techno elites on the coasts or else they’ll keep losing the Senate. And as a wily leader like McConnell has shown, that’s where the power is centered, determining the fate of the third branch of government (the judiciary for you civics deficient folks) and executive branch appointees.
I’ve only been exposed to it since the 70’s.
That money going to other nations is being sent out in the name of national security. Do you even know what we get in return from those nations? Do you know if we have any treaties with other nations that make us obligated to aid them? if you did you wouldnt feel that giving foreign aid is unnecessary.
It becomes a matter of global influence.
Withdrawing support from other countries means less influence in them. That would provide other countries which may or may not have interests that conflict with our own from moving in and providing funds and money to influence them.
Does that make it good? No. I do think we need to take care of our own country first and foremost, but I do see the logic in supporting other countries open to our support as well, especially if they’re susceptible to rivals.
How is helping transgenders in some Turkey or wherever helping national security?
I’ll answer that for you. It’s not. It’s just some idiot senator throwing our money away.
This nation is lucky you are not in politics.
Do you have any actual statistics to fight what I said, or do you intend to just rely on rhetoric? It’s a shame if so.
The vast majority of cases were rejected on technicalities rather than evidence.
But again, if you have an actual counterargument to what I said about the general election data, you’re more than welcome to make it.
As one example -
Saying it ain’t so doesn’t make it the case.
Agreed, though for different reasons.
Imagine thinking that posting a bunch of nonsense statistics is the same thing as having a cogent argument.
Funny that they had no problem adding to it to help out billion dollar corporations over and over again, but when it comes to helping out the citizens of this country, everything suddenly becomes about that deficit.
So what you are saying is the people filing these cases were too stupid to even follow basic court procedure…
No we’re not. Mitch is going to tie it into repealing section 230 (kiss any forums and social media goodbye) and overturning the election. Since there’s no way that’ll pass, he’ll get to blame it on the Democrats for “not passing 2k checks”, when really what happens is Dems vote against repealing 230 and overturning the election–though the media will ignore that bit.
WWII got us out of the Great Depression largely
The counter arguments have already been made by Trump appointed judges throwing these cases out.
Just admit you support fascism.
Ssssssssshhh we might get disappeared into forced servitude in some remote corporate manufacturing plant somewhere. But yeah that about sums it up honestly.
Truth. War is good for business. Always has been.
It was both things. Without one, the other wouldn’t have saved us either.
The New Deal kept millions of people alive or at least suffering less until WWII.